Faites défiler et de diapositives sont les nouvelles tendances, pour la navigation vers les objets sur la même/autre page, dans le domaine du développement web aujourd'hui. Flash, Mais avec le ferme soutien de pouvoir JavaScript cadres, Cette fonctionnalité est très simple à installer, modifier et évaluer le rendement est encore bonne, lisse. Source codes JavaScript sont utilisés sur les 12 sites internet différents, s'il vous plaît lire l'article complet pour plus de détails.
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Melissa Hie
Melissa's site scrolls the entire page, much like Viget. Each block of content is a different color creating a very cool effect when traveling from one to another. An interesting use of no-navigation, Melissa has you quickly bounce around here entire site one step at a time. First seeing what work she has done, then learning about her, and finally getting to her contact "section."
Volll takes an interesting approach to the Slider type site. They have the site laid out very much like earth. The bottom of the page is deep under water, the bottom of the ocean. The top of the site is outer space. Where you start is right on land, looking over the water. As you navigate the site you are taking further into the sky or deeper under water. Creative.
Scroown is a manual scroll down site, but there is a "back to top" scroller that lazily follows you as you get further down the site. While not the most scrolly type site, the use of typeography and fun scroller make it worth admiring.
Lucuma has fixed elements of the site, yet the content scrolls horizontally. It creates a letterbox effect and is quite dramatic.
Qlear only scrolls very specific portions of the content, like the text at the top of his page or his portfolio section. It is a very visually interesting way to get a lot of information across easily. I would say this is one of the most effective ways that I have seen this effect done to communicate content.
NoFrks Design
NoFrks Design combines some of the elements we have seen in sites previous. Not only do the use the website as a space that mirrors the natural space (sky, ground, etc) but it also scrolls both horizontally and vertically. Look at their offers and you are scrolled down a highway to read a billboard, but click on their contact information and you are sent to the stars to read more.
3.7 Designs
Yeah I am gonna plug my company site. Much like Qlear we decided to scroll content with in a window, so that messages could be communicated with out going to multiple pages. We did break the site up into more pages that most sites of this style do, however we felt that was the most effect way to reach all of our website goals.
Bonus (13) Engage Interactive
Engage Interactive cleverly shifts the inside content both up, down, left, right, side to side... but keeps the frame of the site static. It creates a very cool look, giving the impression that content is just a step or two away. It makes the site quick and easy to navigate and find new content, no need for excessive page loading times or server queries. A very nice bonus!
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