Cette Article JavaScript vous donne une liste de 16 Photo gallery scripts diaporama. galerie de codes JavaScript sont libres d'utiliser, et très facile à installer, modifier.
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9. easyALBUM
easyALBUM prides itself for being an image gallery that uses "super clean markup". It works well with CSS disabled and is compliant with current XHTML web-standards. It also allows the user to navigate through the gallery using keyboard shortcuts.
10. slideViewer
slideViewer is a plugin for jQuery and uses ordered lists for mark-up which is good for accessibility and with JavaScript turned off.
11. Image Transition Manager
Image Transition Manager provides you 8 transition effects. It was tested by the developer in Firefox 2, Opera, and IE 6 and 7. As an additional measure, I tried it in Safari 3 (and it works). It was developed using the script.aculo.us effects library which in turn requires the Prototype JS framework.
12. ThickBox
ThickBox is a script built on top of jQuery. It's designed to display images as well as other types of document objects. It has the capability of loading content via Ajax requests.
13. ProtoFlow
ProtoFlow mimics the cover flow effect that you would find in iTunes, the iPhone, and other Apple products. In addition to the ProtoFlow JS and CSS file, it also uses three additional external JavaScript files - Prototype and script.aculo.us and Reflection.js - so make sure you're willing to pay the price in page weight, additional HTTP requests, and potential decrease in page load times due to the above reasons.
14. Slideshow: A Javascript class for Mootools
Slideshow gives you tons of options and effects for your slideshow gallery. There's a pan/zoom feature that makes for a very impressive transition between images, all entirely done using JavaScript. It doesn't come pretty "out of the box", but with some simple CSS magic, it can looks awesome!
15. Javascript Image Gallery Using Mootools
This is a very simple image gallery, great for when you need something up right now. It doesn't require you to know very much JavaScript to get it to work.
16. minishowcase
minishowcase gives you the ability to set the language used in your galleries, and it can be configured to detect the user's language preferences. This image gallery uses PHP for the language selection and automatic thumbnail generation.
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cần PHP bạn nhé @ NguyenKhoa R�ponse
1. mở tệp config.php và chỉnh sửa các thông cho quản lí
2. upload các file lên host
3. dùng các thẻ HTML được cung cấp để thêm vào trang web của bạn
chi tiết hơn cho việc cài đặt, bạn có thể xem thêm trong Documentation của nó tại http://www.e2interactive.com/e2_photo_gallery/documentation/