Avec les effets sur l'animation, le mouvement sur les pages web, il faudra consacrer beaucoup d'efforts et de temps pour créer de la première. frameworks JavaScript, Nous allons dépenser moins. Top cadres 10 JavaScript de Google, Yahoo, Bing - MooTools: un cadre JavaScript Compact - 10 animations avec JavaScript Tiptop cadre
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- Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks by Google, Yahoo, Bing
- MooTools: a Compact JavaScript Framework
- 10 Tiptop Animations with JavaScript Framework
JavaScript is the one of the most utilized and popular programming language, because a large majority of the browsers are compatible with it. In addition, JavaScript has become very popular, very quickly, because it is uncomplicated, straightforward, and has a wide-range of capabilities. Flash, on the other hand, requires the installation of Flash player, it is not compatible with all browers, and has problems with accessibility, though Flash allows for great animation. However, many developers, myself included, prefer using JavaScript to make animations because JavaScript is light weight and even if it is disabled the content will remain accessibile. Here are some examples of Javascript animation frameworks that are really worth checking out! Enjoy!
It's a general purpose library for creating animated transitions between two states. It's small, flexible, and allows you to use CSS as a language to define the animation states.
Burst Engine
The Burst Engine is an OpenSource vector animation engine for the HTML5 Canvas Element. Burst provides similar web functionality to Flash and contains a layer based animation system like After Effects. Burst uses a very light-weight JavaScript frame, meaning your animations will download un-noticeably quick and can be controlled using very simple JavaScript methods.
Canvas 3D
The Canvas 3D JS Libary (C3DL) is a javascript library that will make it easier to write 3D applications using canvas 3d. It will provide a set of math, scene, and 3d object classes to make the canvas more accessible for developers that want to develop 3D content in browser but do not want to have to deal in depth with the 3D math needed to make it work.
Facebook Animation Library
FBJS exposes a powerful animation library which gives developers an easy way to improve their user interface with a line of code or two. All animations are CSS based, so a working knowledge of CSS will really help you out here. An open-source version of FBJS Animation that will work on pages outside of Facebook.
fx() is a tiny, self-contained Javascript library for animating HTML elements. It doesn't require any other library to function and [should] play well with any other libraries you are using (Prototype, JQuery, Moo tools, etc.)
Glimmer allows you to easily create interactive elements on your web pages by harnessing the power of the jQuery library. Without having to hand-craft your JavaScript code, you can use Glimmer's wizards to generate jQuery scripts for common interactive scenarios. Glimmer also has an advanced mode, providing a design surface for creating jQuery effects based on your existing HTML and CSS.
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