Codage/programmation des applications web services web, est un travail de longue haleine si on ne pas utiliser d'outil de soutien Aujourd'hui, dans ce message, ACC @ nk voudrais vous pr?senter une liste d'outils 20 + utiles pour vous aider ? coder les applications web beaucoup mieux, plus vite
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CakePHP is a solid development framework for PHP that empowers you with a useful architecture for developing, and maintaining your apps.
Xdebug is an extension for PHP that helps you debug scripts. Useful features include warnings, and error messages that are displayed after activation. If there's a script that fails to prperly work, Xdebug will print an error message, along with function names, parameter values, source files, and line more.
PHP_CodeSniffer is a PHP 5 script that vigorously detects conformance to a predefined PHP coding standard. It's specially helpful on large projects, and for keeping uniform coding styles.
Pixy: PHP Security Scanner
Pixy is a Java program that performs automatic scans of PHP 4 source code, aimed to detect XSS and SQL injection vulnerabilities. Pixy takes a PHP program as input and creates a report that lists possible vulnerable points in the program, along with additional information for understanding the vulnerability.
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