
23 + grandes utilités pour accélérer le Javascript/AJAX pour le développement À l'heure actuelle, il existe beaucoup d'outils/utilitaires de nous aider pour la construction JavaScript/AJAX plus rapidement.

�tiquette: 23, plus rapide, développement, outil

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Javascript applications are still one of the most complex issues when it comes to web-development. Many tools and applications could make your developing life pretty fast and simple. Today we wanted to share with you a wide range of tools and applications that could really help you build, test and debug Javascript and Ajax applications. Let us know your experience with the tools listed here or others that are not.

Notification Tools

1-Roar - Notifications (v1.0) Roar is a notification widget that streamlines incoming messages, such as updates or errors, without distracting the user from their browser experience or breaking their work-flow by displaying obtrusive alerts.

2-Damn It DamnIT is a free service that emails you when a user encounters a JavaScript error in your webpages.

3-Growl 2.0 with Mootools Growl is a notification system for Mac OS X, it allows applications that support Growl to send you notifications.

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