Java is a stable player in the programming language industry. As one of the oldest ones, Java remains a favorite choice for many developers as it's stable and flexible.
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Java Developers are still one of the most demanded software developers in the IT industry as they are commonly needed in the rapidly developing Fintech industry. Despite Java's popularity, we are sure that there are some things you might not know and might find interesting. Here are three common reasons why Java remains one of the most popular languages and a short historical overview that you might find interesting.
1. Initially Java was called Oak
image by javaresearches
In the beginning, this programming language was not named like that but after some time it changed its name from Oak to Java. The idea to changed it was proposed by Sun's marketing department when the lawyers from that company found that there is already a computer software company called like that. What is more, before calling it Java this programming language was temporarily named Green when it was permanently named Java just like a type of coffee cultivated on the lands of Indonesia.
2. Java developers are well paid
There are about 9 million Java programmers in the world and the number is still growing. The salaries of software developers programming are impressive the average sum satellites around USD 83,975 per year. Taking into account how stable this language is it might be a great investment to become a java developer. To add more Java is a language commonly used in financial technology industries that is constantly evolving end developing as more and more startups providing fintech solutions occur on the market.
3. Java has one of the most popular interfaces in the world
Over 3 billion phones run on Java as one of the smartphone software - android is completely made in Java. What are more BLue-Ray players also run on Java meaning that over 125 million TV sets are Jave dependent. Continuously this programming language stays on the podium when it comes to popularity and is commonly chosen to be the best choice for software developers.
Summing up
Java is one of the popular programming languages commonly used by many software developers around the globe. But still, there are many secrets that this programming language hides. Just impressive numbers indicating the numbers of java software developers or the number of phones that run java show us the scale on how big potential this language has. We can predict a fruitful feature for Java as it is surely here to stay.
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