Avec le soutien plus fort des cadres en JavaScript, comme jQuery, Scriptallicious ...
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Votre premi�re application vid�o AI GRATUITE ! Automatisez votre premi�re vid�o AI. Cr�ez votre vid�o professionnelle en 5 minutes gr�ce � l'IA. Aucun �quipement ni comp�tence en montage vid�o requis. Production vid�o sans effort pour les sp�cialistes du marketing de contenu.
Some days before we are using flash for buttons, gallery etc, later now JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, Mootools , Scriptallicious and Prototype replace the flash with a light weight code and we can get the same effect like flash, that gives web designers and developers a lot a space for creative thinking
But how to use them effectively in such a way it won't distract the users attention and it should add value to the website,
Have a look at the 30 Sample Websites below, which use JavaScript Slider and Scrollers effectively, Hope you like the collection!!
1. Charlie Gentle
2. Orman Clark
3. Best Before
4. Creative People
5. Tomáš Pojeta
6. Square Factor
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