
35 Cool, outils et ressources Awesome pour accélérer le développement d\'applications JavaScript Il s'agit d'une liste de 35 applications JavaScript, ressources JavaScript, Les bibliothèques JavaScript (cadres), des outils JavaScript qui pourraient vous aider à réduire votre temps de développer des applications JavaScript, applications web. frameworks JavaScript, La création de feuilles de calcul basé sur le Web, d'emballage ou la compression des codes JavaScript, diagrammes, graphiques, ...

�tiquette: 35, Impressionnant, JavaScript 35, Ressources, Application JavaScript, feuille de calcul, emballage, compression, diagramme, graphique

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Common Errors To Know And Compability Issues

Top 10 Things that JavaScript Got Wrong
JavaScript, if only by default, is one of the most popular programming languages available. Over the years, it's been labeled as a nightmare to work with, and, to some extent, this is true! However, more often than not, what people mean to say is that the DOM API is a nightmare. Nevertheless, there are a handful of flat-out errors in the language.

Javascript - Event compatibility tables
Quick overview of events browser compatibility, assuming that you know the three event registration models (traditional, W3C and Microsoft) as well as event bubbling and capturing. Most of the time is spent on the cross-browser events; the links in the first compatibility table lead to even more compatibility tables with detailed information about these events. Basic browser support for the Microsoft and W3C events is merely tested, without delving too deeply into the details.

How to Plan for the Absence of JavaScript
Though the methods used to gather website traffic statistics call into question the validity of the stats themselves, the fact is that some of your website's visitors will have JavaScript disabled. You could divide your traffic sources into four broad categories: Search engines, mobile visitors, visitors using screen readers and visitors who have JavaScript turned off. When planning your information architecture and design, you must figure out how to deal with these special groups. Here is assembled a few recent real-world scenarios to find clarity on the issue.

Image Manipulation

Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery
Lazy loader is a jQuery plugin written in JavaScript. It delays loading of images in (long) web pages. Images outside of viewport (visible part of web page) won't be loaded before user scrolls to them. This is opposite of image preloading.

Spacegallery - jQuery plugin
Create Beautiful jQuery Gallery in a sec! Visually. No coding. Free

GalleryView: A jQuery Content Gallery Plugin
GalleryView aims to provide jQuery users with a flexible, attractive content gallery that is both easy to implement and a snap to customize.

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