Professionnel de l'interface utilisateur (IU) est la chose que tous les concepteurs de sites Web veulent, mais nous avons à faire beaucoup de choses à l'obtenir; à côté du design attrayant/layout, nous devons mettre en œuvre de nombreuses animations belle de l'interaction des utilisateurs. JavaScript cadres tels jQuery, YUI, Mootools, ...
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This is specialy for Web Developers and Design because they are using very much JavaScript for make more beautiful our UI (User Interface), JavaScript can add a lot of special effects that can really improve the user's experience, when we add JavaScript/jQuery techniques that add an extra dose of usability to any UI (User Interface/Webpage), we need to figure out more practical styling and functionality techniques to provide a great user experience, in whole package we are using , JavaScript and jQuery libraries.
Create a simple ul list with a nice slide-out effect for <li> elements
jQuery Hover Sub Tag Cloud
Textboxlist Auto-Completion
CSS+Javascript power. Fancy menu
MooGenda: a complete javascript json calendar based on MooTools
Month View Demo
Week View Demo
Day View Demo
How to implement a Post-to-Wall Facebook-like using PHP and jQuery
How to implement a news ticker with jQuery and ten lines of code
addSizes.js: Snazzy automatic link file-size generation
SamaxesJS is JavaScript Components
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