
45 solutions Grande CSS et JavaScript CSS et JavaScript sont deux éléments indispensables pour tout site Web, aussi pour tous les concepteurs Web et les développeurs web. Trucs et astuces pour résoudre les CSS, JavaScript problèmes rapidement. ici.

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CSS Buttons

Simply-Buttons v2
This technique presents buttons of the size that always fits the content. There are 3 states: inactive, active and hover. The technique works in all major browsers and doesn't require JavaScript.

How to make sexy buttons with CSS
This tutorial will teach you how to create pretty looking textual buttons (with alternate pressed state) using CSS. Dynamic buttons save you heaps of time otherwise spent creating graphics and will basically make you a happier person at the end of the day.

Liquid & Color Adjustable CSS Buttons
When working on a large site with multiple buttons, it can be quite tedious to make all the buttons in Photoshop. Making future adjustments on the verbiage and colors can be also be time consuming. By having dynamic buttons, this scenario is much easier to handle, and by having liquid and color adjustable buttons with CSS, we are able to change the verbiage and colors in a flash.

Create a Button with Hover and Active States using CSS Sprites
Too many designers neglect the click state (active-property in CSS) in web design, either because they're unaware of it, underestimate the importance of it or are plain lazy. It's a simple effect that improves usability by giving the user some feedback as to what they've clicked on but can also add depth to a design.

Recreating the button
"I thought it would be interesting to provide a portion of the background on buttons here, and discuss some of the iterations we've been through so far to get to the current state."

Rounded form buttons

Google's Imageless Buttons
An interesting discussion about various buttons design techniques to reconstruct Google's imageless buttons.

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