If you have been looking to take advantage of the very best the web hosting services for your new online business, the odds are pretty good that you've decided to abandon shared web hosting in favor of a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or a dedicated server solution.
Both a VPS and a dedicated server have a significant amount of advantages over shared web hosting, especially when it comes to security and resources. But choosing between a VPS and a dedicated server can be a bit of a headache and hassle - especially if you aren't sure of which one makes the most sense for your needs.
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Here are five reasons you'll want to consider choosing VPS hosting over dedicated server hosting when you have the opportunity to do so.
With a VPS solution you won't have to worry about hardware issues
The biggest advantage to choosing a VPS over a dedicated server is that you'll never have to worry about hardware issues when you go with a virtual private server.
Dedicated servers are there obviously) actual physical servers that you're going to have to administer, troubleshoot, maintain, and repair if necessary - but not VPS solutions. They are virtual, are almost effortless to administer, troubleshoot, and maintain, and have a lot of flexibility that dedicated solutions do not.
Your VPS setup will be a lot less expensive than a dedicated server
Secondly, your VPS server setup is going to be a lot less expensive than even the cheapest dedicated server. Because you aren't taking up any physical space and because you aren't talking about physical hardware but instead a VPS that exists in the digital realm the costs are going to be significantly lower. You'll still be able to enjoy fantastic resources (we'll talk about that in just a moment), tremendous speed, and great uptime - but you won't have to worry about dumping a boatload of money into a dedicated set up.
VPS hosting solutions are easier to administrate than dedicated servers Make no mistake about it, both VPS hosting solutions and dedicated server solutions are going to require more administration plan shared web hosting platforms. But when you get right down to it, VPS hosting solutions are a lot easier to administer than dedicated servers - and a lot of it has to do with removing the physical server element from the mix. You may still want to hire someone to handle your web administration, but you're still going to be able to streamline things considerably.
The best VPS services are easier to set up then dedicated solutions
Dedicated server solutions almost always require a team of IT experts to set up properly (in most situations), whereas VPS services can be set up and good to go in about a half hour with nothing more than a YouTube tutorial and a little bit of confidence. Services like InterServer, HostGator and others allow you to set it up just like your shared hosting. You can even get the first couple months at a discount through http://couponsnexus.com/vps/interserver-coupons/ or http://couponsnexus.com/vps/hostgator-vps-coupon-codes/.
This is a no-brainer!
A VPS allows you to "get up and go" as necessary
When you go with a VPS server solution you'll be able to pack up your entire server and put it on a thumb drive, moving it from one physical server to another without any headache or hassle whatsoever. Obviously that's just not going to be possible with a dedicated physical server - you'd have to scrap the whole thing and migrate your data over, hoping that there weren't any hiccups along the way.
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Follow him on twitter@js_bank or connect with him on facebook@jsbank if you want. His websites for your knowledge: javascriptON.com, inOneSec.com, www.gomymobi.com
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