
5 Uses For JavaScript On Modern Websites If you're familiar at all with website design, then you know that the three major players in terms of coding include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Most people quickly become intimately familiar with HTML and CSS because they require immediate attention as far as basic design and functionality are concerned, but when you add JavaScript to the mix, a whole new realm of possibilities emerge.

�tiquette: website design, visual calendars, forms and feedback

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Consider the five uses below that most modern websites take advantage of, and consider that your website can probably use them effectively as well. These uses include creating visual calendars, making consistent navigation easier, incorporating forms and feedback potential, using pop up messages, and handling animation and interactivity.

Creating Calendars

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For most sites, it's good to have a visual representation of the date and time, and in order to have an element that calls into that scripting feature, JavaScript is the way to go. Looking at a typical modern web page with a calendar present, you can see how the visual and informative aspect of it adds to the overall flow of the page, and you can potentially add other information or interactive features to it later through the use of dynamic linking as well. So anywhere you want those time elements, JavaScript is going to be your go-to element.

Consistent Navigation

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It's not too hard to navigate with standard HTML commands, but it does require a ton of loading and reloading of pages if that's the route you choose. With JavaScript navigation features, there's additional availability of more dynamic and interactive navigation elements, as well as it bringing a far greater sense of consistency to the mix. You'll often see that the coding for JavaScript navigation is much tighter than HTML would be as well, as the scripting is both powerful and simple to allow for greater efficiency than simple 'click to go to another page' type of usability.

Forms and Feedback

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HTML is not known for handling forms and feedback particularly well either. Buttons have to be clicked, errors occur, text and data is lost. To prevent this, JavaScript has forms and feedback functions that will do exactly what you need to them do easily and efficiently. The more you understand how to place these forms (and search boxes, for instance) within the structure of your website, the happier that people will be with how it all works together.

Pop Up Messages

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And though pop-up messages are the bane of many people's existence because of sites that overuse them and interrupt the user experience, when done properly, JavaScript makes using practical popups easy and effective ways to enhance the user workflow instead of making people run away screaming when a giant box with all capital red letters plasters itself over the entire screen.

Animation and Interactivity

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And finally, simple JavaScript commands can be used extremely effectively for short animation sequences and other kinds of graphic interactivity. Some common uses might be things like interactive photo albums or navigation with moving parts on the screen.


Phong Thai Phong Thai is a Web Developer, Web Coder for 20 years with PHP, JavaScript, CSS. He is the creator of - provide thousands of free JavaScript code examples, web development tips and tricks, helpful blogging guides.

Follow him on twitter@js_bank or connect with him on facebook@jsbank if you want. His websites for your knowledge:,,
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