
50 + belles ressources du formulaire HTML avec CSS et JavaScript Afin de créer des formulaires ( contact, Envoyez vos amis, partage, ...) Sur les sites, les concepteurs de sites Web doivent consacrer beaucoup de temps et des compétences, parce que ces formulaires HTML doit avoir un outil convivial, mise en page attrayante et ils doivent avoir une interface harmonieuse à l'ensemble du site

�tiquette: 50 +, Belles ressources, Formulaire HTML, CSS, web designer, compétence, convivial, accrocheur

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Updated: April 19th, 2013

Now let's take a look how to create outstanding and beautifully designed form elements from scratch ourselves. Things can get tricky even if you are experienced designer. It's hard to attract visitors attention, but this article should help to stand out and create semantically correct, good looking and accessible web forms, checkboxes, radio buttons, buttons, fieldsets – everything you can think of when you are creating contact or login page!

How create good looking form without table

This tutorial explains how to design a good form using a clean CSS design with only label and input tags to simulate an HTML table structure. You can use all CSS/HTML elements to design your custom form for your web projects.

Simple Form Example

Very well explained tutorial showing crucial points you should give attention to.

Prettier Accessible Forms

Adding Style with CSS: A Beautiful Form

Forms don't have to be ugly and boring, and certainly don't have to be inside tables to look nice and aligned.


Niceforms is a script that will replace the most commonly used form elements with custom designed ones. You can either use the default theme that is provided or you can even develop your own look with minimal effort.

Turn postcard photo into a stunning comment form using CSS

This tutorial will teach you how to make a stunning comment form using an old postcard photo.

Enhance your input fields with simple CSS tricks

The example you are going to see is something that you use every day: blog comment form.

Fun with forms - customized input elements

Ever wanted to match the look of your HTML forms with the rest of your website? This CSS tutorial demonstrates how to apply customized backgrounds to HTML forms, while preserving stucturally clean markup and accesibility.

Forms markup and CSS - Revisited

Semantic horizontal Forms

Semantically correct web forms with fieldsets, legends, labels and some CSS styling. It's been tested in FF1.x, IE6 and Opera8. (looks a little quirky in IE5.x but still usable).

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