
50 + belles ressources du formulaire HTML avec CSS et JavaScript Afin de créer des formulaires ( contact, Envoyez vos amis, partage, ...) Sur les sites, les concepteurs de sites Web doivent consacrer beaucoup de temps et des compétences, parce que ces formulaires HTML doit avoir un outil convivial, mise en page attrayante et ils doivent avoir une interface harmonieuse à l'ensemble du site

�tiquette: 50 +, Belles ressources, Formulaire HTML, CSS, web designer, compétence, convivial, accrocheur

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Password field with strength meter

These forms do not do anything and have very little validation. They solely demonstrate how you can use Ext Forms to build and layout forms on the fly.

Clean and pure CSS FORM design

This tutorial illustrates a proposal about how to design a pure CSS form without using HTML tables.

CSS Tableless Form

This is a tableless CSS form which you can use as a template for implementing your own lightweight form. It uses a combination of float and negative margins to create a two column layout for the form.

Form Highlighting Redux

Styling form controls

36 simple documents, each containing twelve controls of the same kind, but with a different CSS rule for each element. Due to the various controls having different properties to style, there are two three slightly different sets of rules.

cforms II Wordpress Plugin

cforms is a powerful and feature rich form plugin for Wordpress, offering convenient deployment of multiple Ajax driven contact forms throughout your blog or even on the same page.

A CSS Stylesheet Collection for Web Forms

You can view and download 13 different css stylesheets, great for study!

Styling form controls with CSS, revisited

224 screenshots showing the effects of various CSS rules applied to form controls. The screenshots are taken from 8 browsers on 4 operating systems, for a total of 14 different browser + OS combinations. Huge article!

5 uniquely designed and coded web form styles

CSSGlobe is giving away 5 really good web form style designs, which can be used freely and studied as well.

10 Tips for Incredible Web Forms

In this great article from DesignReviver you will be walked through web form building with explained basic code examples, several tools to help you build up your form as well as incredible contact pages found over the web for inspiration. Must read!

Tips For Creating Great Web Forms

Excellent article from CSS-Tricks with 7 tips how to create better web forms.
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