Peut-?tre vient de lire techniques tutoriels article JavaScript sur ACC @ nk vous a fait devenir banal?! Pr?s des applications web dans ce message sont visualiseurs de donn?es, mais ils ont les dessins ?tonnants avec des animations magnifiques et uniques, il est ?vident qu'ils peuvent nous donner les exp?riences grande toile ? cette tourn?e On peut tenter des exp?riences Web tels que: Musique, films et autres m?dias; Digg, Twitter, Delicious et Flickr; visualisations Internet; visualisations et outils divers Si les exp?riences Web dans ce message encore ne vous satisfont pas, s'il vous pla?t essayer plus:
? Top 50 Most Addictive et jeux populaires mini Facebook - 65 Free JavaScript Galerie de photos - 10 choses que JavaScript Old ne ferait pas - Incroyable et Amazing 3D Canvas JavaScript Enginges - Vitrines Grande Exp?rience JavaScript sur Chrome, Safari - 12 Awesome et Creative Jeux JavaScript vous devriez essayer
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Digg, Twitter, Delicious, and Flickr
Looks is a collection of different Delicious bookmark visualizations. They're created with a python-based graphics library and layout engine.
Arc is a product from Digg Labs that shows the latest Diggs, and the relationships between the users submitting and digging them. There are two different speed modes, the slower of which is great if you actually want to read the story headlines.
Stack is probably the most useful of the visualization offerings from Digg. Stories with the most recent activity load across the bottom of the screen and then 'Diggs' seemingly fall from the sky to land and create a real-time graph of what stories are popular. Whenever a 'Digg' hits a story stack, the title of the story is shown at the bottom of the screen, pushing previous stories down, and eventually off the screen.
Swarm has one of the cooler user interfaces of all the Digg Labs offerings, with stories and users flying around on the screen. When someone 'diggs' a story, they fly over to the circle representing the story itself and are briefly linked up to it. Hovering over a story or user shows its name and allows you to click. You can also download Swarm as a screensaver.
Research Chronology shows the relationships between one student's research paths via Delicious bookmarks over the course of a semester. It's an ongoing project and includes bookmarks for more than 270 websites.
TwittEarth shows live tweets from all over the world on a 3D globe. It's a great visualization tool to see where tweets are coming from in real time and discover new people to follow. It's also fascinating just to sit and watch.
Tag Galaxy lets you search for Flickr tags and have them shown visually in a mockup of a star system. Clicking on any planet (tag) within the first representation changes the image and recenters that tag as the star and pops up new related tags as planets. Clicking on the sun itself brings up a globe covered in images tagged as you've specified.
The Flickr Related Tag Browser allows you to search for a series of tags and see related tags. Clicking on a different tag brings up new related tags. You can zoom into the tag selected in the center of the screen by hovering and see images tagged with that word. It also gives a total image count and lets you browse by page.
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