Ouais, c'est vrai!
Syntaxe, Photo Zoom Out Effect avec jQuery, Faire un diaporama en mosa?que avec jQuery et CSS, 17 Plugins jQuery pour facile et efficace de filtrage et de r?organisation des ?l?ments de page, jQuery Plugin MegaMenu, Excellent JQuery plugins pour am?liorer la validation de formulaire, gameQuery - un moteur de jeu avec javascript
Applications Web 50 + Grande de visualisation des donn?es
? 50 + Super Th?mes WordPress Nice et sexy pour blogueuses
? 10 plugins JavaScript et ressources pour les CSS et TreeView Plan du site
? Grande Ressources Powered pendant 7 Utile jQuery Plug-ins
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Useful JavaScript / jQuery Tools
JavaScriptMVC is an open-source framework containing the best ideas in
enterprise JavaScript development. It guides you to successfully
completed projects by promoting best practices, maintainability, and
convention over configuration.
PEG.js - Parser Generator for JavaScript
PEG.js is a parser generator for JavaScript based on the parsing
expression grammar formalism. It enables you to easily bulid fast
parsers which process complex data or computer languages. You can use
it as an underlying tool when writing various data processors,
transformers, interpreters, or compilers.
PhoneGap is an open source development tool for building fast, easy mobile apps with JavaScript.
JavaScript Shell
A command-line interface for JavaScript and DOM.
WireIt - a Javascript Wiring Library
WireIt is an open-source javascript library to create web wirable
interfaces for dataflow applications, visual programming languages,
graphical modeling, or graph editors.
JavaScript Programming Patterns
In this article I am trying to present some of the techniques out there
that I have discovered. The patterns I would like to mention are the
- The Old-School Way
- Singleton
- Module Pattern
- Revealing Module Pattern
- Custom Objects
- Lazy Function Definition
Compare JavaScript frameworks
Modern Web sites and Web applications tend to rely quite heavily on
client-side JavaScript to provide rich interactivity, particularly
through the advent of asynchronous HTTP requests that do not require
page refreshes to return data or responses from a server-side script or
database system. In this article, you will discover how JavaScript
frameworks make it easier and faster to create highly interactive and
responsive Web sites and Web applications.
How to Test your JavaScript Code with QUnit
QUnit, developed by the jQuery team, is a great framework for unit
testing your JavaScript. In this tutorial, I'll introduce what QUnit
specifically is, and why you should care about rigorously testing your
CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Think
of it as JavaScript's less ostentatious kid brother - the same genes,
roughly the same height, but a different sense of style. Apart from a
handful of bonus goodies, statements in CoffeeScript correspond
one-to-one with their equivalent in JavaScript, it's just another way
of saying it.
Mind-blowing JavaScript Experiments
The following JavaScript experiments demonstrates the amazing
capabilities of the modern browsers such as Chrome and Safari. In this
post I will showcase to you an array of experiments that will surely
blows your mind off.
Online javascript beautifier
This little beautifier will reformat and reindent bookmarklets, ugly
javascript, unpack scripts packed by the popular Dean Edward's packer,
as well as deobfuscate scripts processed by javascriptobfuscator.com.
CSS & Javascript Character Entity Calculator
Enter your HTML Entity Character number (such as ट or just 2335 - ?) to get the CSS and JS values for that entity.
Dygraphs: Create interactive graphs from open source Javascript library
Dygraphs is an open source JavaScript library that produces an
interactive, zoom-able charts of the present time series. It is mainly
designed to display the dense data sets and enable the users to explore
and interpret them. It is a JavaScript Visualization Library.
Showdown - Markdown in JavaScript
Showdown - a JavaScript port of Markdown
Copy to Clipboard with ZeroClipboard, Flash 10 and jQuery
With today's post I will show you a contrived example to get you
started. I eventually hope to add this to the contextMenu.js jQuery
plugin that I use, but for now this should be pretty straight forward.
I do want to note that in the demo and download I am loading the latest
version of the jQuery library (1.3.1) from Google's CDN for the first
time in any of my posts. For more information on how to do this see the
instructions from Google.
fLABjs is a special API wrapper around LABjs which adapts the code to
work properly in a file:// local filesystem environment. There are a
number of things with core LABjs does which are not appropriate for
local filesystems, such as XHR, special path handling rules, etc.
jQuery LazyLoad Ad : Delays loading of advertising
jQuery LazyLoad Ad is a jQuery plugin that takes advantage of LazyLoad delaying ads loading.
qTip - The jQuery tooltip plugin
qTip is a tooltip plugin for the jQuery framework. It's cross-browser, customizable and packed full of features!
jQuery Collapsing and Expanding Table Rows
Improving Search Boxes with jQuery
This time we will learn how to improve a little more our sites by
adding some additional interactions to our search boxes like autofocus,
highlighting, autoreplace default text and more by using jQuery.
Pines Notify jQuery Plugin
Pines Notify's features include:
- Timed hiding with visual effects.
- Sticky (no automatic hiding) notices.
- Optional hide button.
- Supports dynamically updating text, title, icon, type...
- Stacks allow notice sets to stack independently.
- Control stack direction and push to top or bottom.
jQuery Slider plugin (Safari style)
jQuery Slider is easy to use and multifunctional jQuery plugin.
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