
65 Free JavaScript Galerie de photos galerie de photos JavaScript, Galerie d'images JavaScript et galerie de photos Web sont des facteurs indispensables dans le monde de l'Internet, le monde du web, du d

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Multifaceted Lightbox

Multifaceted Lightbox
A script (JavaScript) that allows you to focus the users attention on a particular portion of the screen. It creates the equivalent of a modal dialog box - this means that while the user looks at this focused part of the screen, they can't interact with the rest of the screen.

Slightly ThickerBox 1.7

"Previous Image" and "Next Image" links. The result is that you can use Slightly ThickerBox to create image galleries. In addition, you can create groups of galleries by setting a "rel" attribute on the links. (I also moved the Caption and Close link to the top and made the script case insensitive.)TripTracker
The TripTracker slideshow is a lightweight JavaScript image viewer with an animated slideshow feature.

Slimbox, the ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone

Slimbox is a 7kb visual clone of the popular Lightbox JS v2.0 by Lokesh Dhakar, written using the ultra compact mootools framework. It was designed to be small, efficient, more convenient and 100% compatible with the original Lightbox v2.

Suckerfish HoverLightbox

Suckerfish Hover Lightbox
The Suckerfish HoverLightbox is a mashup of three very popular Web design techniques blended together to offer a new way of presenting your image galleries.

Suckerfish HoverLightbox Redux

ThickBox 2.1.1

ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single image, multiple images, inline content, iframed content, or content served through AJAX in a hybrid modal.

A Photograph Gallery

A Photograph Gallery
Just a simple :hover over thumbnail images to give a full size view of each photograph. With all but Opera you can also click the thumbnails to retain the image on the screen. Text can be added at the bottom of each picture. Ideal for photograph albums.

A simple CSS photo-album

A Simple Css Photo Album
The text numbers and images are held in an unordered list without any extra markup (no 'ems' or 'spans' etc). The CSS just styles the text numbers so that they appears in a box and the images so that they are hidden until your visitor clicks a number square.

Cross Browser Multi-Page Photograph Gallery

Cross Browser Multi Page
Based on Suckerfish HoverLightbox this one uses my multi-page layout system but includes images instead of text. Unlike the Suckerfish HoverLightbox this version is pure CSS.

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