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jQuery Gallery

Jquery Gallery version 1.0
jQuery Gallery is a plugin for the jQuery JavaScript library. It uses the Reflection.js script to add a reflection effect dynamically to your images.


MooPix utilizes the Flickr API to dynamically populate your image gallery with pictures from a Flickr account without the need to use server-side scripting.


Flickrshow is another slideshow that allows you to access photosets, groups, and tags from Flickr. The current version has an improved caching feature which helps make the transition between images quicker and more fluid.


Galleria is an image gallery that uses the jQuery library. It's distributed under the GLP 3.0 License which permits you to modify and re-package the script (granted that you abide by the terms and conditions of the license).

Galleria demo 1 - Galleria demo 2

LightWindow v2.0

LightWindow v2.0
LightWindow 2.0 is an excellent choice for mixed media galleries because it also supports other file types such as Flash movies and video files.

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