Aujourd'hui, dans ce message , ACC @ nk tiens ? vous fournir une liste des services publics 70 + AJAX , des outils AJAX et des applications AJAX pour am?liorer vos applications JavaScript , les applications Web JavaScript -
AJAX Loader contenu de la page
? Greybox : HTML Cool/JavaScript/AJAX/Popup Window Flash
? Contenu de la bo?te interstitielle
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Dialog boxes
jQuery Alert Dialogs
A list of very good looking and flexible dialog boxes.
Ajax Spell Checkers
GoogieSpell is a spell checker that you can use in your own web-application.
Ajax Polls
6. AJAX Poll
Create an AJAX powered poll. Requires PHP and mySQL.
Activity indicators
The Ajax activity indicators are often used by web developers to let the users know when the Ajax application is loading.
This is not a script but it�s a quiuseful Create easily your own ajax loader icon easily with 3 simple steps.
Ajax loading animated gif
A collection of reallly good looking statusindicators , free download.
Activity indicators
Large collection of activity indicators to dhow your users that something is happening.
More than 120 Free Ajax Activity Indicator Gif Icons
again loads of really good looking indicators that you can use for free.
Ajax Libraries
AJS is a ultra lightweight JavaScript library that is around 2 years old. It is inspired by MochiKit, but differs by being small and expressive. The current version is only 33 KB (uncompressed!), whereas MochiKit and other libraries such as JQuery, Mootools or Prototype is over/around 100 KB.
Basic Ajax Routine
Regardless of what you do using Ajax, they all rely on the same basic functions. This is a very small Ajax routine (less than 3 Kb) that enables you to easily use Ajax on your site to send �GET� or �POST� requests asynchronously.
Ajax Rotating Includes Script
Ajax Includes scriptto let you input a list of external pages for the script to choose and selectively include one onto the current page.
- Daily 1 (�dailyw�): The script will include a different file for each day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc).
- Daily 2 (�dailym�): The script will include a different file for each day of the month (1st to 31st).
- Random (�random�): The script will randomly pick one from the list of files to include.
- Sent (0)
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