
Sites Awesome avec Wonderful effets JavaScript avec jQuery Aujourd'hui, dans ce message , ACC @ nk voudrais vous pr?senter une liste de 24 sites personnels des entreprises// blogs que l'utilisation de Cadre JavaScript jQuery pour construire merveilleux animations JavaScript ; combin?e avec superbe , l'am?nagement design unique , de toute ?vidence ces sites attirent l'attention du public de S'il vous pla?t aller ? la section compl?te de la poste pour voir
Vitrines Grande Exp?rience JavaScript sur u200Bu200BChrome , Safari

? 10 Super exp?riences JavaScript Bonne Google Chrome

? Super Awesome et Amazing exemples MooTools site

? 12 Awesome et Creative Jeux JavaScript vous devriez essayer

�tiquette: merveilleux effets JavaScript, Cadre JavaScript jQuery, animation avaScript, mise en page design unique

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16. GoSiteWave

Features: Vertical slideshow with horizontal navigation and attractive icons.

Description: The vertically scrolling slideshow, combined with the icons and images, are the real story here. Slideshows are expected to scroll horizontally, so the opposite here is eye-catching. The bright blues and oranges, slick rounded buttons and dark background with skillfully placed streaks of light add to the effect. Of course, if the icons weren�t so well done, the website might not have made the cut.

Home page slide graphics:

Another slideshow:

17. Sketchen

Features: Horizontal slideshow of Flash movies, with pre-loaded content, big text and illustrations.

Description: If you like yellow, you�ll love this website. This slideshow features big cropped illustrations that keep the yellow background intact. An additional slideshow in the pop-up �lightbox� contains the portfolio. Did I mention that the illustrations were big? They take up a lot of space, but they�re very well done. The background color and images are accented by the green and white navigational elements, and the sharp contrast ensures that usability is not a concern.


White footer:


Portfolio in �lightbox�:

18. Form Fifty Five

Features: Smooth vertical scrolling, dynamically generated blog content, slideshow, main navigation highlighting,

Description: Don�t let the monochrome color palette and the simple line drawings fool you. This agency site has everything. Smooth vertical scrolling, a fixed footer that overlays content, a portfolio slideshow, dynamically embedded blog content, etc. With all of these functions going for it, what really sets the site apart is the total number of random illustrations, and the fact they�re all pretty funny. Along those lines, a visit to the site isn�t complete without sampling the hilarious �About� video.

Lots of illustrations in the start screen

Typefaces match the illustration style

Portfolio slide show

Footer navigation titles highlight as you scroll

Horizontal Scrolling

Unlike the slideshow, which is usually confined to a section of a website, horizontal scrolling (as defined here) happens at the browser level, or at least feels that way. Dynamic horizontal scrolling does not have as many great examples as vertical scrolling; but as you�ll see, designers who think horizontally have great imaginations.

19. Serial Cut

Features: Large illustrations for portfolio; horizontal and vertical scrolling.

Description: This slideshow is really designed to take up the browser�s viewing area. You can�t scroll left or right, but does it matter? The illustrations and design are so outstanding that the developer could have had criss-cross, upside-down or any other unintuitive method of navigating and people would still spend the effort figuring out what�s coming next. What really helps is the size of the navigation icon and that the portfolio photos and images take up the entire screen.


CD cover:

3-D guy with shoes:
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