
Best jQuery Tutorials Interactive menu de navigation pour les dessins et modèles créatifs Une meilleure système de navigation   utilisateur, les utilisateurs peuvent trouver les informations nécessaires rapidement et facilement, en plus d'un œil interface permettra d'améliorer les performances d'utilisation. Cet article résume 15 systèmes de navigation qui utilisent la jQuery cadre   comme une puissante plate-forme de création d'interface, sont considérés comme les meilleurs.

�tiquette: jQuery, interactive, AVIGATION menu, tutoriels, conception, système de navigation, accrocheur, représentation, meilleur, plate-forme

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Navigation is an essential component of a website. A good navigation system leads to a better user experience as user can find the information quickly and easily. Here are 15+ tutorials for creating interactive navigation for your website using the powerful JavaScript framework jQuery.

1.Horizontal Animated Menu using jQuery

Horizontal Animated Menu using jQuery

This tutorial shows you how to create an interactive animated horizontal menu using jQuery that shows more information about particular link when mouse is moved over it.

Tutorial Demo

2. Sliding Menu using jQuery

Sliding Menu Using jQuery

This tutorial explains how to create a slick icon based sliding menu that shows more information about a link when mouse is moved over an icon.

Tutorial Demo

3. Create a nice menu imitating kwicks jQuery Plugin

Menu with Kwicks Effect using jQuery

If you have ever used the kwicks jQuery plugin, then this is the exact imitation of it. This tutorial explains how to achieve kwicks effect using jQuery.

Tutorial Demo

4. Create a Vertical News Ticker using jQuery & jCarousel Lite

Vertical News Ticker using jQuery

If you need to show some news items on your website, then this is the tutorial you should be looking for to create a vertical news scroller for showing lots of news item in small amount of screen real estate.

Tutorial Demo

5. Horizontal Scrolling Menu With CSS & jQuery

Horizontal Scrolling Menu with CSS & jQuery

This tutorial explains how to achieve flash like functionality by building a horizontal scrolling menu using just jQuery and CSS

Tutorial Demo

6. Animated Drop-down menu using jQuery

Animated Drop Down Menu using jQuery

If you are short of space and have some links to display then put them under a nice animated drop-down by following this jQuery tutorial.

Tutorial Demo

7. Rollover Tooltips With jQuery

rollover tooltips

This tutorial shows how to show tool-tips over navigation icons in a nice animated way to provide more information to user about a particular link.

Tutorial Demo
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