"" Menu de navigation  - Une caractéristique que l'on ne peut manquer sur le site Web, à côté il permet à vos utilisateurs de naviguer dans le contenu et l'accès nécessaire sur l'ensemble du site facilement, il vous permet également d'économiser de l'espace sur le site en affichant le contenu de dynamique des onglets. Cet article a présenté à résumer les la libre navigation menu des codes  avec jQueryPar critères: look sympa, cool animation et accrocheur.
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15. Coda Slider
16. jQuery idTabs
idTabs is a plugin for jQuery. It makes adding tabs into a website super simple. But it can also open the door to endless possibilities.
17. Create a Slick Tabbed Content Area using CSS & jQuery
One of the biggest challenge to web designers is finding ways to place a lot of information on a page without losing usability. Tabbed content is a great way to handle this issue and has been widely used on blogs recently. This is great tutorial explaining to build a simple little tabbed information box in HTML, then make it function using some simple Javascript, and then finally achieve the same thing using the jQuery library.
18. LavaLamp for jQuery lovers!
Extremely light weighted Lavalamp menu packaged as a plugin for the amazing jQuery javascript library.
19. Animated Drop Down Menu with jQuery
Drop down menus are a really convient way to fit a large menu into a really small initial space. For a long time people have just used a form element for standard drop downs, but with minimal effort you can create a much slicker effect using jQuery and CSS.
20. Using jQuery for Background Image Animations
Five different ways, how to create background image animations using jquery - very live effect.
21. How To Create A ?Mootools Homepage? Inspired Navigation Effect Using jQuery
As you know there are a host of competing javascript libraries around these days. Though I prefer jQuery, I?ve always liked the way the menu on MooTools worked. So in this tutorial we?ll recreate that same effect ? but this will be done in jQuery!
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