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Votre premi�re application vid�o AI GRATUITE ! Automatisez votre premi�re vid�o AI. Cr�ez votre vid�o professionnelle en 5 minutes gr�ce � l'IA. Aucun �quipement ni comp�tence en montage vid�o requis. Production vid�o sans effort pour les sp�cialistes du marketing de contenu.
The following JavaScript experiments demonstrates the amazing capabilities of the modern browsers such as Chrome and Safari. In this post I will showcase to you an array of experiments that will surely blows your mind off.
Most of the following runs best in Chrome or Safari.
1. Twitch
TWITCH is a series of minimal games within small Chrome windows. How fast can you solve them all? Each game only responds to clicking; mouse position and keyboard are ignored.
Can you stay on the perilous belt? Can you accurately aim the booming cannon? Can you navigate through the electric pyramids? Can you solve the eerie labyrinth?
2. Browser Ball
Browser Ball attempts, with only moderate success, to allow the configuration of a seemingly endless array of continuous spaces using multiple overlapping browser windows. Within this multivariate space, users are invited to toss a beach ball both hither and yon.
3. Ball Pool
Start by shaking the browser, then create new balls (click on empty space), move some others (drag) and reset the screen (double click).
4. Google Gravity
"Everything that goes up must come down. But there comes a time when not everything that's down can come up."
This applies in the Google main page. Play with the elements and try to search on anything. It's fun.
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