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�tiquette: JavaScript Experiment, JavaScript Showcase, Chrome, Safari, Flash, animation, Browser Ball, Sketchpad, JavaScript Wars, Vectomatic, Wavy barres de d

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5. Depth of Field

300 balls form a plane, a cube, a little universe, a sphere and then disappear. Amazing!

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6. Wavy Scrollbars

Touch scrollbar thumb to make waves. Based on verletphysics library by toxi.

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7. Sketchpad

Sketchpad is a drawing/painting application developed in pure HTML and Javascript. It includes a number of Drawing Tools - including: Text, Shape, Spirograph, Brush, Calligraphy, Pencil, Paint-Bucket, and Stamp. It also includes a few generic Drawing Utilities - including: Marquee, Crop, Eraser, and a HSL/RGBA Color-Picker.

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8. JS Wars

JS WARS is a classic shoot em up written to demonstrate the power of modern web browsers.

Shoot them all!

9. Vectomatic

Vectomatic is a vector graphics editor: you create drawings by freely combining shapes, curves and segments and modifying their geometric and visual properties. At this stage the project is just a demo to explore the feasibility of a full-featured online graphics editor a la Google Docs.

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10. JS Fireworks

Write a message, then launch fireworks over London to show your message in the sky. A shortened link to your fireworks message is provided, to post to Twitter, Facebook or other.

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