L'auteur ?crit cet article JavaScript tutorial pour Flash ActionScript d?veloppeurs qui ont le m?me int?r?t - comme , travailler avec Flash et ActionScript que vous voulez toujours apprendre de nouvelles choses dans le langage de programmation JavaScript
Programmeurs ActionScript, mais il est aussi un tr?s bon tutoriel pour qui apprendre la programmation orient?e objet JavaScript Cette guides article JavaScript tutorial vous apprend ? construire un plein rempli objet JavaScript avec les m?thodes getter et setter S'il vous pla?t visitez pour plus de d?tails
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Getters and Setters
Now it is possible to use getters and setters. Ofcourse is does not work in IE, so this is pointless but also a bit cool to see how far we could go. Anyway there are 2 ways to define them. Read more about it here. I think the __defineGetter__ way is better; it looks ugly but you still have access to private objects.
Take a look at this getter/setter declaration example. It�s not as clean as AS3 getters/setters but it works like a charm in my browser.
/* public getter */
this.__defineGetter__("value", function()
alert("getter called; current value: " +value);
return value;
/* public setter */
this.__defineSetter__("value", function(val)
alert("setter called; new value: " +val);
value = val;
// public variable. For a strange reason I have to put this below the get/set definition.
this.value = value || 0xFFFFFF;
// create instance of Color
var color = new Color(0xFF0000);
color.value; // getter
color.value = 0xff0000; // setter
Javascript has a const too, you could use it instead of var. Ofcourse this is not implemented in IE, so it is also pretty pointless to use.
Mix them all
Now lets use namespaces, getters/setters and private/public variables and functions together.
This is a simplified ported version of this Color Class.
With this class you can modify the red,green and blue channels of a
color individually. In the original class it is possible to
lighten/darken the color too, but for this post I left these functions,
because this only illustrates the possibilities of nice OO javascript.
nl.stroep.utils.Color = function( color )
this.grayscale = function( val )
val = val || 0;
if (val < 0){ val = 0 }
if (val > 255) { val = 255 }
return (val << 16) | (val << | val;
function limit( val, lowerLimit, upperLimit )
if (val < lowerLimit){ return lowerLimit }
if (val > upperLimit) { return upperLimit }
return val;
this.__defineGetter__("value", function()
return (_red << 16) | (_green << | _blue;
this.__defineGetter__("red", function()
return _red;
this.__defineGetter__("green", function()
return _green;
this.__defineGetter__("blue", function()
return _blue;
this.__defineSetter__("value", function(val)
_red = val >> 16 & 0xFF; // red
_green = val >> 8 & 0xFF; // green
_blue = val & 0xFF; // blue
_value = val;
this.__defineSetter__("red", function(val)
_red = val;
_red = limit( _red, 0, 255 );
this.__defineSetter__("green", function(val)
_green = val;
_green = limit( _green, 0, 255 );
this.__defineSetter__("blue", function(val)
_blue = val;
_blue = limit( _blue, 0, 255 );
var _value = color;
var _red;
var _green;
var _blue;
this.value = _value;
With this javascript class, you could use it like this:
color.green = 0; // remove green.. now it is red..
color.blue = 255; // add some blue.. now it is purple..
alert(color.value.toString(16)) // alerts FF00FF and that is purple.
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