Si vous avez souvent regarder les films de HBO , puis le titre de ce post JavaScript vous ?tre familier : Oui , c'est vrai , je veux emprunter ce slogan de HBO pour d?crire le contenu de ce post : il vous fournira les concepts de base JavaScript , et vous serez en mesure d' acc?der , de comprendre la programmation web langage JavaScript facilement et rapidement
Exemple, les codes JavaScript pour essayer ? l'heure actuelle , cet article JavaScript tutorial nous 5 pi?ces et je mettrai ? jour s'il ya nouveau chapitre , en attendant , vous pouvez passer par :
? D?clarations de fonctions JavaScript et des expressions de fonction JavaScript - Concepts de base
? JavaScript Prototype : Quelques concepts de base
? 5 Chef Concepts H?ritage JavaScript
? Concepts simples sur les types et les objets en JavaScript POO
? Top 10 Meilleurs livres JavaScript que les d?butants devraient apprendre
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Part 3: Javascript and JSON
JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation. In the first post we saw how to define a class in Javascript so that an object instance can be created. Now let�s create an object using the object literal notation. In Javascript, there is the concept of a literal notation to define an object,
// A string literal var stringLiteral = "A string literal"; // An array literal var arrayLiteral = [1,2,3];
Extending this concept to objects, we create an anonymous type in Javascript using an object literal,
// Create an anonymous type by using the object literal notation, var myObjectUsingJSON = { // Public field � a name/value pair aPublicField : "This is a public field of an anonymous type", // Public method � another name/value pair aPublicMethod : function() { return this.aPublicField; } } // Call the anonymous type�s public field or method alert(myObjectUsingJSON.aPublicMethod());
We created an instance (myObjectUsingJSON) of the the anonymous type using the object literal notation and the anonymous object has two members which are name-value pairs. This way of representing (and creating) an object is called the Javascript Object Notation or JSON. It�s just a way of creating an anonymous type using name-value pairs. For comparison, recall how we similarly create anonymous types in C#,
// Anonymous type in C# var anonType = new { Name = "John", Age = 50 };
Now let�s create a more complicated class using this object notation,
// Create an anonymous type... var myObjectUsingJSON = { // ...with a key whose value is a simple array... anArray : ["This", "array", "has", 5, "items"], // ...and another key whose value is an array with a nested object... anotherArray : ["This", "array", "has", 6, { X: 1 }, "items"], // ...and another key whose value happens to be another anonymous object... anObject : { key1 : "A string", /* ...with one key whose value is a string... */ key2 : function() { return "Hello"; }, /* ...and another key whose value is a function... */ key3 : { /* ...and another key whose value happens to be another anonymous object */ key31 : true, /* ...with a key whose value is a boolean... */ key32 : function() { return { Name: "World!" }; }, /* ...and a key whose value is a function that returns an object */ key33 : { /* This key's value happens to get yet another anonymous object */ key331 : function() { return "That�s deep!"; } } } } } // Access an array element alert(myObjectUsingJSON.anArray[2]); // Access the inner object alert(myObjectUsingJSON.anotherArray[4].X); // Get a value from a name alert(myObjectUsingJSON.anObject.key3.key31); // Access the object returned by the function var funcReturn = myObjectUsingJSON.anObject.key3.key32(); alert(funcReturn.Name); // Call the deepest function alert(myObjectUsingJSON.anObject.key3.key33.key331());
As you can see it�s pretty easy to nest anonymous objects to create a class structure. This representation of a class is more compact than XML, in terms of raw serialized bytes sent over the wire. So, Javascript prefers using this object notation when sending/receiving data. A string can easily be eval-ed into an object,
// The JSON string var jsonString = "{ anotherArray: ['This', 'array', 'has', 6, { X: 1 }, 'items'] }"; // Eval the JSON string into an object var myEvaledJSONObject = eval('(' + jsonString + ')'); // Access the object alert(myEvaledJSONObject.anotherArray[4].X);
For more information about JSON see here.
Part 4: The Prototype Property
All Javascript objects have a property called �prototype� which can contain an object reference. Javascript uses this property to implement it�s inheritance hierarchy � by putting a reference to the parent object via the �prototype� property. To see this try the following code,
// The base class function Base() { // Public property this.aPublicProperty = "This is a public property of the type Base"; }
This initializes the prototype property (internally) to an empty class.
// 'prototype' is not null, it is initialized internally like this - Base.prototype = { } alert(Base.prototype); // [object Object]
Now we can add fields/properties to the (empty) object that the prototype refers,
// Add a new field/property Base.prototype.newField = "This is a new field of the type Base's prototype"; Base.prototype.aPublicProperty = "This is a public property of the type Base's prototype";
Now here�s the trick that transforms this innocuous looking property into the basis of Javascript�s object oriented implementation: when you access a property on a class, if the class doesn�t have the property, Javascript will look for the property on the object the prototype refers to. Now we can see how this might lead to inheritance � the derived class (the object) can access the base class�s (the object�s prototype�s object) methods. Also if both the object and the object�s prototype referred object have the same property, the object�s property overrides the prototype referred object�s property.
var baseInstance = new Base(); alert(baseInstance.newField); // Access the prototype's property alert(baseInstance.constructor.prototype.aPublicProperty); // Access the prototype's property - will see later alert(Base.prototype.aPublicProperty); // Access the prototype's property via Base alert(baseInstance.aPublicProperty); // Override the prototype's property
We are starting to see object-oriented behaviors implemented via the prototype property. The prototype property refer�s to the object�s base class. Let�s take this further,
// Derived from the base class function Derived() { } Derived.prototype = new Base(); // Another class derived from the base class function AnotherDerived() { } AnotherDerived.prototype = new Base(); // A class derived from the derived class function DerivedDerived() { } DerivedDerived.prototype = new Derived();
This results in a class hierarchy that looks like this,
Now that we have the class structure, let�s create some instances,
// Create some instances var derivedInstance = new Derived(); var anotherDerivedInstance = new AnotherDerived(); var derivedDerivedInstance = new DerivedDerived();
Let�s add a new property to the Base�s prototype.
// Add a new property to the Base's prototype Base.prototype.testInheritance = "Every object that derives from Base now has this property"; alert(derivedDerivedInstance.testInheritance);
And add a new property to the Derived�s prototype,
// Add a new property to the Derived's prototype Derived.prototype.testInheritance = "Every object that derives from Derived now has this property"; // Does that mean the Base now has the property? No. alert(baseInstance.testInheritance); // undefined alert(derivedDerivedInstance.testInheritance);
For more information about Javascript prototypes see here.
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