
Concepts JavaScript : Simply the Best Si vous avez souvent regarder les films de HBO , puis le titre de ce post JavaScript vous ?tre familier : Oui , c'est vrai , je veux emprunter ce slogan de HBO pour d?crire le contenu de ce post : il vous fournira les concepts de base JavaScript , et vous serez en mesure d' acc?der , de comprendre la programmation web langage JavaScript facilement et rapidement
Exemple, les codes JavaScript pour essayer ? l'heure actuelle , cet article JavaScript tutorial nous 5 pi?ces et je mettrai ? jour s'il ya nouveau chapitre , en attendant , vous pouvez passer par :

? D?clarations de fonctions JavaScript et des expressions de fonction JavaScript - Concepts de base

? JavaScript Prototype : Quelques concepts de base

? 5 Chef Concepts H?ritage JavaScript

? Concepts simples sur les types et les objets en JavaScript POO

? Top 10 Meilleurs livres JavaScript que les d?butants devraient apprendre

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While the Javascript language offers many of the constructs required for object-oriented programming, they remain largely unused. Today we�ll take a look at how to start with object-oriented programing in Javascript. by defining a class in Javascript. We�ll use the simple HTML file to call our script file,

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
        <title>Hello Javascript!</title>

        <script type="text/javascript" src="MyScript.js"></script>
        Hello Javascript!


Now let�s create a class definition (in MyScript.js). Note that there is no �class� keyword in Javascript, the class definition is just a function definition,

function MyClass() {

    // Public field
    this.aPublicField = "This is a public field of the type MyClass";

    // Private field
    var aPrivateField = "This is a private field of the type MyClass";

    // Public method

    this.aPublicMethod = function() {
        // Use the private method
        if (aPrivateMethod()) { return this.aPublicField; }
        else { return aPrivateField; }

    // Private method
    function aPrivateMethod() {
        return true;

    // Oops! We can expose the private field

    this.exposePrivateField = aPrivateField;
    // and the private method
    this.exposePrivateMethod = aPrivateMethod;

// Create an instance of MyClass using the �new� keyword
var myclass = new MyClass();

// Get the public field

// Call the public method

// Call the private field � can�t get to them directly


So it�s pretty simple to create a class in Javascript. We can also create a runtime field for the class,

// Create an instance of MyClass
var myclass = new MyClass();

// Create a field at runtime
myclass.aRuntimeField = "This is a runtime field of the type MyClass";

// View the field value

Part 2: Javascript Inheritance

Now that we created a base Javascript class in the first post, let�s inherit from it to get a derived class.

// Define the derived function (remember there is no 'class' keyword in Javascript)
function MyDerivedClass() { }

// Derive from MyClass, equivalent to �> public class MyDerivedClass : MyClass
MyDerivedClass.prototype = new MyClass();

// Create an instance of the derived class
var myderivedClass = new MyDerivedClass();

// Get the public field

// Call the public method

Woah! That was simple! Notice that MyClass�s private methods and the runtime field (aRuntimeField) we gave to MyClass in the last post is not available to MyDerivedClass.

Let�s override the base classe�s public fields and methods and see what happens,

// Define the derived function (remember there is no 'class' keyword in Javascript
function MyDerivedClass() {

    // Override the base's public field
    this.aPublicField = "This is a public field of the type MyDerivedClass";

    // Override the base's public method
    this.aPublicMethod = function() { return this.aPublicField; }

// Derive from MyClass, equivalent to �> public class MyDerivedClass : MyClass
MyDerivedClass.prototype = new MyClass();

// Create an instance of the derived class
var myderivedClass = new MyDerivedClass();

// Get the public field

// Call the public method

You�ll see that the base classes public fields and methods have been overridden in the derived class.

We can obviously derive again,

// Derive from MyDerivedClass
function MyDerivedDerivedClass() {

    // Override the base's public field
    this.aPublicField = "This is a public field of the type MyDerivedDerivedClass";

    // Override the base's public method
    this.aPublicMethod = function() { return this.aPublicField; }

// Derive from MyDerivedClass, equivalent to �> public class MyDerivedDerivedClass : MyDerivedClass
MyDerivedDerivedClass.prototype = new MyDerivedClass();

// Create an instance of the derived class
var myderivedderivedClass = new MyDerivedDerivedClass();

// Call the public method

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