Ce JavaScript tutorial nous fournir beaucoup d'exp?riences utiles pour d?velopper des applications Facebook avec l'API JavaScript En outre, cet article JavaScript tutorial vous guide aussi comment construire une application simple JavaScript pour obtenir RSS S'il vous pla?t aller ? la page post complet pour plus de d?tails
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Part II
Here goes the link of the first part. In this post I will share (or better to say note down about further experience in FB Javascript API).
Here I will try to focus on :::
(2) get fans count and their feed on page's wall to promote and to share the page.
(3) post to wall (to my page or profile) from my site.
Steps for task (2) :
[1] Facebook fan pages are awesome tools for marketing or promotion. They are attached to facebook open graph. SO it is very much easy to access their public info like feed stream and fan count. But for the other info there should be nneded to logging in.
[2] If we hit to https://graph.facebook.com/ we will get all the public info like -- id, name, username(if any), page profile picture, link, location, hours open. For other info we have to use metdata tag. for this purpose we may hit https://graph.facebook.com/?metadata=1. We may find links for feed, posts, tagged, statuses, links, notes, photos, albums, events and videos. Among them feed, posts, photos and albums are publicly accessible.
[3] So using this protocol we can find and fulfil our needs as mentioned above.
[4] We have called javascript api for getting fancount and for feeds we have used php as this is easy to maintain a multilevel data structure like array in php than javascript.
[5] So the frame of our code goes like as below :
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> </head> <body> <div id="user-info" style="display: none;"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ FB.init({ apiKey: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' }); }); </script> </body> </html>
[6] Here the FB.init is used to initiate the api call. Now to get the fan count we will add the following function after document.ready block and call the function from document.ready.
function getUpdate () { var htmls = '<div style="background-color:#77A1CD:color:#EAAA00;">'; FB.api('/224365082363', function(response1) { total_members = response1.fan_count; name = response1.name; link = response1.link; htmls += 'Total <i>'+total_members+'</i> persons likes '+'<a href="/javascript/article/JavaScript_Experiments_of_Facebook_SDK_with_Graph_API.php/'+link+'">'+name+'</a><br>'; htmls += '</div>'; $('#user-info').show(); $('#user-info').attr("style","width:450px;height:auto;background-color:#E4E9EE"); $('#user-info').html(htmls); }); }
[7] Now to find the lates feeds we have used php. From php we have called the same graph protocol and used file_get_contents. the returned datatype is json. SO we used json_decode to parse the data. Then the data type becomes an stdclassobject. The code goes as follows:
<?php $myObj = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/224365082363/feed")); echo "<br>"; $i = 0; foreach ($myObj->data as $aData){ $user[$i]['from'] = $from = "<a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=".$aData->from->id."\" >".$aData->from->name."</a>"; $user[$i]['msg'] = $message = $aData->message; $created = $aData->created_time; $html = "<div style=\"background-color:#F9F9F9;color:#000000;height:auto;width:500px;\">"; $html .= $from.": ".$message; $html .= "<font size=\"1\"> ".$created."</font>"; $html .= "<hr style=\"border-style:dotted; border-color:#6D84B4\"/>"; $html .= "</div>"; echo $html; $i++; } ?>
[8] Here the time returned is on 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss' format but normally and specially our application demands time difference from now liek as how many mniutes ago the feed was posted. So for these reason we have used a function that calculates the time difference in days, hours and miniutes. the code block for the function and the calling will be as follows:
<?php $myObj = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/224365082363/feed")); echo "<br>"; $i = 0; foreach ($myObj->data as $aData){ $user[$i]['from'] = $from = "<a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=".$aData->from->id."\" >".$aData->from->name."</a>"; $user[$i]['msg'] = $message = $aData->message; $created = $aData->created_time; $createdtime = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', strtotime($created)); $now = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time()); $user[$i]['ago'] = $difference = get_time_difference($createdtime, $now); $html = "<div style=\"background-color:#F9F9F9;color:#000000;height:auto;width:500px;\">"; $html .= $from.": ".$message; $html .= "<font size=\"1\"> ".$created."</font>"; $html .= "<hr style=\"border-style:dotted; border-color:#6D84B4\"/>"; $html .= "</div>"; echo $html; $i++; } function get_time_difference($start, $end){ $tempstart1 = explode('-',$start); $startyr = $tempstart1[0]; $startmon = $tempstart1[1]; $tempstart2 = explode(' ',$tempstart1[2]); $startday = $tempstart2[0]; $tempstart3 = explode(':',$tempstart2[1]); $starthr = $tempstart3[0]; $startmin = $tempstart3[1]; $startsec = $tempstart3[2]; $tempend1 = explode('-',$end); $endyr = $tempend1[0]; $endmon = $tempend1[1]; $tempend2 = explode(' ',$tempend1[2]); $endday = $tempend2[0]; $tempend3 = explode(':',$tempend2[1]); $endhr = $tempend3[0]; $endmin = $tempend3[1]; $endsec = $tempend3[2]; $start1 = mktime($starthr, $startmin, $startsec, $startmon, $startday, $startyr); $end1 = mktime($endhr, $endmin, $endsec, $endmon, $endday, $endyr); $dateDiff = $end1 - $start1; $fullDays = floor($dateDiff/(60*60*24)); $fullHours = floor(($dateDiff-($fullDays*60*60*24))/(60*60)); $fullMinutes = floor(($dateDiff-($fullDays*60*60*24)-($fullHours*60*60))/60); $ret = ""; if($fullDays > 0){ $ret .= "$fullDays Days "; } if($fullHours > 0){ $ret .= "$fullHours Hours "; } if($fullMinutes > 0){ $ret .= "$fullMinutes Minutes "; } if($ret!= ''){ $ret .= "ago"; } else { $ret .= "A Few Moments ago"; } return $ret; } ?>
[9] so the final out put will be as the following screenshot -
So we will be back soon with posting to wall steps. ;-)
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