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Full version: jsB@nk » Tutorials » 10 Things Old JavaScript Would Not Do
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/10-things-old-javascript-would-not-do.html

10 Things Old JavaScript Would Not Do © JavaScriptBank.comAbout 15 years ago, my uncle took Zef to the university at which he was studying at the time. He had something to show him. He sat him behind a computer in the computer room and started a program called "Netscape". He typed in an Internet address ending with .au. I saw my first website and it came all the way from the other side of the world. It looked like crap, loaded incredibly slow, but it was cool.I could have never have guessed that HTTP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript would once not become the main way to access information, but also replace a lot of desktop applications. The abilities of the new HTML5 and other web technologies like SVG never cease to amaze me.Here are 10 things, in this post, I had not expected these open web technologies would be able to, but can in 2010: Interactively render physics of a cloth, Live motion tracking, Play YouTube videos without Flash, Collaboratively edit source code in a browser IDE, Do weird interactive stuff like this, Animate simple 3D landscapes, Read books in a mobile browser, Play Wolfenstein 3D/MarioKart, Render flash files using Javascript/SVG. Please go to the full post for details.

Full version: jsB@nk » Tutorials » 10 Things Old JavaScript Would Not Do
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/10-things-old-javascript-would-not-do.html