Tell us your favorite JavaScript tools if they're missed in the list below. Enjoy!
Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that
runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas . It offers a clean Scene Graph /
Document Object Model and a lot of powerful functionality to create and
work with vector graphics and bezier curves, all neatly wrapped up in a
well designed, consistent and clean programming JavaScript interface .
Artisan JS: A JavaScript library that aims to make in-browser drawing easy
EaselJS provides straight forward solutions for working with rich
graphics and interactivity with HTML5 Canvas. It provides an API that is
familiar to Flash developers, but embraces Javascript sensibilities. It
consists of a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction
model, and helper classes to make working with Canvas much easier.
KineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that enables high
performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering,
caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much
Fabric.js is a powerful and simple Javascript canvas library . Fabric
provides interactive object model on top of canvas element. Fabric also
has SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser
Using Fabric.js, you can create and populate objects on canvas;
objects like simple geometrical shapes - rectangles, circles, ellipses,
polygons, or more complex shapes consisting of hundreds or thousands of
simple paths.
You can then scale, move, and rotate these objects with the mouse;
modify their properties - color, transparency, z-index, etc. You can
also manipulate these objects altogether - grouping them with a simple
mouse selection.
You can add text on canvas and dynamically manipulate its size,
alignment, fontfamily and other properties. You can apply filters to
images, making them grayscale or removing background. You can serialize
the entire canvas into a JSON string - saving it locally or on a server -
then completely restore it at any time. You can also export canvas data
back into SVG at any time.
CAKE is a JavaScript scene graph library for the HTML5 canvas tag.
You could think of it as SVG sans the XML and not be too far off.
oCanvas is a JavaScript library intended to make development with
HTML5 Canvas easier. Instead of working with pixels, you work with
objects. It's very straightforward and easy to get started with. Please
have a look at the examples to see just how easy it is.
jCanvaScript is a javascript library that provides you methods to
manage with the content of a HTML5 canvas element easily. It runs on any
platform (including iPhone, iPad, Android) that supports canvas and
JavaScript. To add support for canvas in Internet Explorer you can use
canvas_library is written in CoffeeScript . canvas_library gives you
easy drawing, object and animation management for the HTML 5 Canvas
element. The API itself looks a lot like the Flash drawing API.
Canvas Context 2D Wrapper
Wrapper for HTML5 Canvas Context 2D properties and methods, enabling
chaining. It's intended to be simple, small and not add new
functionalities besides method chaining, it doesn't overwrite the native
prototypes/objects and can be used interchangeably with native
Context2D methods/properties, works just as a wrapper to native calls.
canvg is a SVG parser and renderer. It takes a URL to a SVG file or
the text of an SVG file, parses it in JavaScript, and renders the result
on a Canvas element. The rendering speed of the examples is about as
fast as native SVG.
HTML 5 Canvas Library
A basic HTML 5 canvas drawing library for those familiar with the
java.awt.Graphics class in Java. It also comes with a JavaScript
implementation of the game Breakout to demonstrate using the library.
Various utility methods will be added to this library over time to
abstract away the low-level drawing methods found in HTML 5 canvas.
Doodle-js (inactive, but still mentioned)
This library is a Javascript library to create two-dimensional vector
The source files are separated to some degree for ease of
maintenance. To create a single, minified, file run the
file. This uses an open-source minifier written in Python.
The source files include documentation inline. This is extracted during the build process by running another python script.
HTML5 has all of the functions necessary to draw whatever you want,
but sometimes the API leaves a little to be desired. This module
attempts to add convenience methods to the HTML5 API.
Phong Thai is a Web Developer, Web Coder for 20 years with PHP, JavaScript, CSS. He is the creator of - provide thousands of free JavaScript code examples, web development tips and tricks, helpful blogging guides.
Follow him on twitter@js_bank or connect with him on facebook@jsbank if you want. His websites for your knowledge: , ,