Understanding scope in programming is key to appreciating how your
variables interact with the rest of your code. In some languages, this
can be quite straightforward, but JavaScript's anonymous functions and
event handling features, along with a couple of little quirks, mean
that handling scope in your applications can become frustrating.
This article discusses how JavaScript handles scope and how various
JavaScript libraries provide methods for dealing with it and how they
smooth out a few bumps. We'll also look at how you can get back to
basics and do some interesting scope wrangling without a library, a
useful approach if you're writing code that needs to stand alone.
You Are Here
So what is "scope"? We might say that it refers to your current location. If you run some JavaScript like...
var iAmGlobal = 5 * 5;
... then you're running in the global scope, the big wide world, where you can't go any further out. For something like...
function doSomething() {
var inner = 5 * 5;
... you're now boxed in by this function, running within its scope.
The phrase "boxed in" is appropriate; take a look at this code:
var g = "global";
function go() {
var l = "local";
alert(l); // throws a reference error
You'll see that when we run the go function, the l variable is contained within that function's scope. It cannot be accessed from a higher level scope.
How it Works
As well as variable scope, JavaScript uses the this
keyword to get a reference to the current execution context. That
rather terrifying term boils down this: at any point in your JavaScript
code, you can ask "Help! Where am I?" and get back an object reference.
This reference is for the current context, the object that "owns" the
currently executing code.
Now, you might think, given what we've just learned about scope, the
owner of the current code would be the scope in which it is executed.
After all, in JavaScript, even functions are objects and can be passed
around in variables. But no. Take this function, for instance:
function go() { console.debug(this); }
This gives you a reference to the top-level execution context; in a browser, that's the browser window itself.
There are a few exceptions to this. For example, if we create a
JavaScript object and then call a method on it, then the scope is bound
to the object:
var myObject = {
go: function() {
myObject.go(); // console.debugs a reference to myObject
Similarly, when using functions as constructors, you see the same behavior:
function MyClass() {
this.go = function() {
var instance1 = new MyClass();
var instance2 = new MyClass();
instance1.go(); // console.debugs a reference to the MyClass instance1
instance2.go(); // console.debugs a reference to the MyClass instance2
However, notice in this case that the reference is to the individual
object instance rather than the class definition, which contrasts with
the previous object literal example in which we will always receive a
reference to the same object.
With event handlers, things get a little more confusing. If you
specify an event handler inline in HTML, then you end up with it
referencing the global window object. However, if you use JavaScript to
wire your events, then you get a reference to the DOM object that
raised it; for example, a click handler on a button would have the
button element as the reference.
Event handlers are a common situation in which you would want to
bind a function to a different scope; many JavaScript libraries provide
features to help do just that. Let's take a look at some common options.
Many developers use JavaScript libraries to avoid having to deal
with browser inconsistencies and to take advantage of the many
shortcuts they offer. Scope handling is something most libraries give a
helping hand with, so let's take a look at what a few of the major
players offer.
Prototype comes with a bind method that allows a developer to specify the bound context for a function.
var products = ['Shoes', 'Sweater', 'Jeans', 'Wig'];
function showCount() {
for(var i = 0; i < number; i++) {
document.body.innerHTML += this[i] + '. ';
var fn = showCount.bind(products);
fn(2); // outputs Shoes. Sweater. to the document
It also supports passing arguments that are "remembered" when you
call the function, and these can be used to create shortcut functions;
basically a version of a function that defaults to passing in certain
var showOne = showCount.bind(products, 1);
var showFour = showCount.bind(products, 4);
showOne(); // outputs Shoes.
showFour(); // output Shoes. Sweater. Jeans. Wig.
See Prototype's Function.curry for more information on this particular aspect of Function.bind . The second useful feature of Prototype's scope handling is bindAsEventListener . This is very similar to bind but ensures that the first argument passed to the event handler is the event object.
showCountHandler.bindAsEventListener(products, 2)
Here we're using Prototype's event functions to set up an event listener when the showCountButton is clicked. We're passing our products array as the context, which the function is bound to, but in this case the showCountHandler would look something like this:
function showCountHandler(e, number) {
for(var i = 0; i < number; i++) {
document.body.innerHTML += this[i] + '. ';
So we have the products array as this , but we also have the e event object automatically passed as the first parameter, which we can later use to stop the default event.
The two Prototype methods for binding context are handy because
they're used in exactly the same way, so you have a very simple and
consistent method of taming your context.
Ext JS
Ext JS is farther reaching than either Prototype or MooTools in that
it provides a full end-to-end framework for UI and application
creation. This means it also provides correspondingly more features to
control scope. To compare it with Prototype, let's look at how to bind
to a particular context:
var fn = showCount.createDelegate(products, 4);
This is identical in usage to Prototype's bind method. But is there a difference when dealing with event handlers?
showCountHandler.createDelegate(products, 4)
That's right: there is no difference. Ext JS will normalize the event object into an Ext.EventObject
for you and then append your additional arguments after that. However,
there are two caveats to this. First, Ext doesn't just pass the event
object to the handler, but also passes the source of the event (in this
case, the showCountButton ) and any options that were passed to the on method. So, our handler now looks like this:
function showCountHandler(e, source, options, number) {}
However, there is a shortcut to using createDelegate , and it involves understanding the arguments of the on method. We can do this like so:
Ext.get('showCountButton').on('click', showCountHandler, products, { number: 4 });
The third argument of on is the scope under which the handler should run, which eliminates the need to use createDelegate . However, in order to pass further parameters, we have to use the options parameter. So our handler in this case would be:
function showCountHandler(e, source, options) {
number = options.number;
This is not quite as elegant on the handler side of things, but it's
useful to know that Ext JS provides a variety of methods for
accomplishing similar things, and you can use them accordingly when
building your applications.
The MooTools library provides two methods that are essentially like replacements for Prototype versions: bind and bindWithEvent , a.k.a. bindAsEventListener . However, on top of these familiar features, it provides a couple more that lend some extra flexibility. My favorite is Function.create :
var fn = showCount.create({
bind: products,
arguments: 4
This is nice and succinct, and to turn this into an event handler, we do this:
bind: products,
arguments: 4,
event: true
We can pass additional options, such as delay , which defers the execution of the function by a specified number of milliseconds, and periodical , which fires the function every time the specified interval elapses.
One library conspicuous in its absence is jQuery, which doesn't
offer any context binding facility. But JavaScript does have built-in
features that allow you to manage context in many scenarios, and it
also provides relatively simple methods of building your own solutions
to more complicated problems.
On Your Own
I'm no snob: leveraging the hard work of the great developers who
have spent a lot of time on their libraries makes total sense. They
will have worked through all of the bugs and edge cases so that you
don't have to. On the other hand, understanding what's happening on the
JavaScript level is important, not only as an academic exercise but
also for those occasions when you can't rely on a library.
Sometimes offering standalone and library-independent scripts is
best; for example, if you would like to make your code available
publicly and for widespread use. By relying on a library, you restrict
the use of the code to people who use that library.
Let's take a look at how scope and context can be handled without using a library.
Call and Apply
JavaScript functions have two methods available to them that are of particular interest for handling context. Let's look at call :
showCount.call(products, 4);
Apply is very similar but is used when you don't know
how many arguments you will be passing. It takes an array as its second
showCount.apply(products, [4]);
Both of these achieve the same goal, but your usage case will determine which would work best for you.
Event Handler Scope
We saw in the explanations of scope how event handlers cause
problems, and we also saw how the various JavaScript libraries provide
means of getting around this. If you're stuck with bare-bones
JavaScript, then you simply have to write your own means of scoping
event handlers, and we'll look at how to do that now.
Call and apply trigger the function
immediately: that's not what we're after. Instead, we want to return a
new function, which will then be called when the event fires. So:
Function.prototype.bindContext = function() {
// when adding functions using prototype, "this" is the
// object which the new function was called on
var callingFunction = this;
// pass the desired scope object as the first arg
var scope = arguments[0];
// create a new arguments array with the first arg removed
var otherArgs = [];
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){
// return a function remembering to include the event
return function(e) {
// Add the event object to the arguments array
otherArgs.push(e || window.event);
// Array is in the wrong order so flip it
// Now use apply to set scope and arguments
callingFunction.apply(scope, otherArgs);
This is a basic implementation with no error handling, but it
provides a useful base to expand on and for understanding the overall
approach. Dealing with event handler scope is essential for most
JavaScript applications, and no developer should be tied to a single
framework, so an appreciation for handling this problem at a low level
is useful for every coder.
When building any large JavaScript application, a solid
understanding of scope is not only useful but pretty much necessary.
While using a common JavaScript library is a useful shortcut, it's
certainly never bad to get back to basics and roll your own solution in
order to gain more control of JavaScript scope.
Further Resources