This playscript sets a cookie piece, with an alert window that only comes up the first time you visit the page each day. A funny effectfor calling attention to daily specials and news updates. Very easy to configure for working in other ways also.
This JavaScript is for use in forms that require user input; e.g., blogs which require users to type their name and e-mail address in order to submit comments. Users will have the option of allowing their information to be remembered. The script uses cookies to store and output the information.
Visitors can make notes on your site and they will be stored in a JavaScript cookie until they return. The script includes an auto-save feature and the ability to print and e-mail the notes. The JavaScript cookie has a 4Kb limit.
This JavaScript will save all of your form fields in a cookie. It includes all text fields, radio button selections, checkbox values, etc. When your visitor returns, all form fields are automatically repopulated with the same value that they entered on their last visit.
Give your users a chance to be spontaneous! Clicking on the button will re-direct them to a JavaScript link chosen at random. You can specify any number of links, and they can open in the same window or a new one. A JavaScript cookie is used to track which links are visited. The JavaScript cookie is erased when the browser is closed.
This collection will help you to set, get, and delete cookies. It's a nice little collection that should prove to be invaluable.
Display the date and time of the users last visit. Easy to implement. (Reload the page to see it work.)
Type whatever you like in the boxes, click outside the box, reload the page, and try to type the details again. This JavaScript uses cookies, so if you have them disabled it will of course not work.
This JavaScript checks to see if the user has cookies enabled in his browser. If not, it displays an alert window letting them know your site is using cookies. Use alone or add to your JavaScript cookie script.
Keep your To Do list up to date with this JavaScript. Demonstrates how to display, add and delete items from a list of cookies.