This short JavaScript article tutorial guides you how to work with browser cookie, cookie in JavaScript by using the JavaScript framework jQuery, through some basic missions: set JavaScript cookie and store data values into cookie; JavaScript read cookie, get stored values and use them for your web applications. A very helpful JavaScript tutorial for JavaScript beginners.
The type of this JavaScript effect can be seen on many upload-allowance sites, such as Youtube, Flickr, ImageShack, Picasa, etc. That's your visitors can upload files through this JavaScript code, after a file is selected (from local computer), another input field is automatically added for uploading. This JavaScript code made with DOM skills - a simple JavaScript code example but it's very effective to save the space for your web page.
With a better skill of writing English, we can easily bring to audiences our ideas more effective and faster on the road of blogging. Unfortunately, a number of bloggers do not have this favor, this imperfection puts them at many disadvantages; such as their articles/posts look not professional, their SERP (Search Engine Results Page) has a lower level because the search engines prefer to pay attention to the well-written content over an article with full of spelling checking errors, etc.
Today, I like to present top ten popular online tools for helping you write online English grammar better. They have many features to help you improve the writing skills; obviously, they’re free and very easy to use, no requirement but a browser. Hope you like this post and my others.
I also write this post for and TripWireMagazine, please go to Top 10 Online English Spelling Grammar Checkers for Writing Better for the full post.
This JavaScript article tutorial shows you a short overview about JavaScript objects in comparing and cloning. You'll know how to clone JavaScript objects, make JavaScript object copy. This is really a should-read JavaScript tutorial when you would like to learn more advance JavaScript skills.
HTML tooltips are the indispensable things on the layout of any website. They may provide more information to our readers without breaking the web designs. Most basic and simplest, we can add the tooltip to any HTML element with title attribute.
With this solution, we can only setup plain-text tooltips. However, with the JavaScript programming language, you can easy add more rich content for our tooltips; obviously you need to know more about JavaScript if you like to make tooltips become more interactive.
But all difficulties will disappear if you're using jQuery framework. Now it's time to enjoy 37 amazing tooltips scripts made with AJAX, JavaScript, CSS and jQuery in this post; to make your own unique and cool tooltips.
In this JavaScript article tutorial, we're together to enjoy awesome experiments on HTML5 with new hot JavaScript APIs. With a lot of JavaScript/Web application live demos in this JavaScript HTML5 tutorial, we can learn:
- New JavaScript selectors, JavaScript CSS selectors, jQuery selectors to select HTML elements better.
- New Web storage function and new Web SQL database storage.
- New API for caching offline application data, cache JavaScript files
- How to use Web workers and Web sockets.
- Geolocation API
- Audio, Video and Canvas manipulation on HTML5.
That's so cool! HTML5 is really new cool web technology, supported by many giant web/internet companies. Try it, master it now asap.
JavaScript minify (JS minify) is one of most important tasks if you would like to care about web performance. Today, jsB@nk would like to shows you a JavaScript article tutorial about this task.
This JavaScript compression tutorial is written by Nicholas C. Zakas - a JavaScript guru; throughout this JavaScript article tutorial, you're able to learn some basics about JavaScript Minification, such as: history of JavaScript compression, the good and bad features and some JavaScript code examples to master this mission.
WordPress is becoming more and more popular and friendly to web-based content publishers, because of its easy-to-use feature, powerful functions along with a grand library of plug-ins. However, in order to build a website by WordPress with an own style, or make site's design more attractive and more eye-catching, web designers have to work very hard; and sometimes we have spend some pennies if want to use a high quality theme (premium WordPress theme).
Fortunately, WordPress's developers community is still providing hundreds and thousands of high quality WordPress themes/templates for FREE. They're quite good, enough to satisfy almost demands. Today in this post, jsB@nk is happy to present you a list of 25 great resources to download free, high quality WordPress themes.
Please go to for full detailed post about Awesome High Quality WordPress Themes: 25 Great Resources to Download for FREE. Then you can check out more WordPress themes if you want:
- 25 Awesome Christmas Worpress Themes for 2010
- 50+ Super Nice and Sexy WordPress Themes for Female Bloggers
This JavaScript code example provides us two functions to clean up and format numbers quite nicely.
One JavaScript check number function will take any decimal number, negative or positive, and formats it by adding commas every three digits. The other JavaScript number format function can strip any non-numeric characters from a string leaving you with a valid decimal number. It also considers the minus sign and the period to be numeric and will not strip them unless the minus sign is not at the beginning of the number or there is more than one period.
These JavaScript functions make use of regular expressions to do the heavy lifting.