This JavaScript creates a pop-up-window on the left side of your screen. The pop-up-window flaots to the center of the screen, waits a few seconds, and finally floats to the right and disappears. Great for banners and important messages!
This JavaScript automatically refreshes (reloads) your webpage every few seconds and displays the countdown-time inside the status bar. Easy configuration of the refresh interval. The coundown-display can be turned on or turned off. Copy-and-paste installation.
This JavaScript allows visitors can open many web pages at the same time.
Something rather weird happens on your webpage: after loading the texts start changing its colors in a creepy way continously! Is this witchery? Is this the frightening cyberghost haunting your screen? Or is it just a little bit DHTML-magic? You decide (and then call the ghostbusters, please).
Your visitors knees will turn to jelly if they see your webpage dissolving itself. No panic! It's just a harmless, silly joke written by the fools from Peter Gehrig.
This JavaScript generates a cool whole-page-transition effect whenever a visitor enters and exits your webpage. ZERO JavaScript needed. Just paste two special meta-tags into your webpages.
This JavaScript is really mean and dirty! Put it into your webpage and the script automatically opens a popup-window. When you try to close this popup-window two more popup-windows appear. Try to close these windows and four new popup-windows appear and so on.
No panic! After displaying a certain (adjustable) amount of popup-windows the script stops creating new popups and you may close the popup-windows. Easy installation and configuration.