If you have a website whether fashion, educational business or entertainment related, then you must have an email contact form page which is a customary on every websites we come across. Many websites directly publish their contact address, email and phone number in their HTML contact form page. In that case there is a higher chance of getting spam emails. So if you want to avoid these circumstances it is more advisable to put a contact form on your website.
While trying to include a contact form in your website, try to opt for the simple and easy to use contact form solutions. Here is a list of 10 easiest and user friendly Contact us Form services that most of the webmasters prefer these days.
And if you're using WordPress, then maybe you can find a great WordPress contact form from this list.
Although having very similar names, Java and JavaScript are totally two different languages separately but they are able to create the web-based applications. JavaScript is supported by all browsers, but Java is not. Despite of being two different programming languages but their applications are able to communicate with each other, this free HTML JavaScript tutorial/Java applet tutorial guides you how to call JavaScript in Java applet, how to build the Java applet call JavaScript through a simple JavaScript example code.
In Object-Oriented programming languages, an interface defines a set of methods which a Class must include in order to implement the interface (otherwise, if the Class is missing the required methods, the code will fail and the interface will throw an error).
Interfaces are useful for making sure developers use the correct implementation of an API.
In JavaScript there are no true "classic" Object-Oriented features, but through clever usage of the language you can emulate an Interface for use with a JavaScript API. In this free HTML JavaScript tutorial, Mark McDonnell guides you how to implement Interfaces in the JavaScript programming language.
At this time of post, I'm sure that almost people in this world know what's Facebook. And I believe that every one of us ever once enters Facebook to see its content, to know why it becomes popuplar like that. And about Facebook statistics and features, I don't think I have any new thing to let you know.
Within the field of games on Facebook only, Facebook has more than 500 millions monthly active users for top 50 most popular Facebook games only. Yes, I say that over 500 millions; this thing is equivalent to every Facebook account user plays at least a game per month. One more extreme impressive number to any game developer/gaming company.
And this is the reason I write this post: Are you feeling bored this afternoon? Do not worry if you have an account in Facebook. Just log in to your account and you will be amazed to know that you are entering a world of fascinating games, maybe they're not best Facebook games but they're addicting games, can really make your afternoon a chilling one.
Some Facebook games I'm in playing: FarmVille, Mafia Wars and Happy Aquarium; join me for sharing better experiences if you want.
Let's use this simple JavaScript example code, CSS button code to replace the boring default button of browsers by Simply Button v2. These super sexy buttons have a lot of advantages from the default buttons:
- Buttons size to fit your any text.
- There are 3 states: Inactive, Active, and Hover.
- They look and behave the same way in every browser and operating system.
- The do not need the JavaScript to work, they work with just the CSS button style.
- Way better looking CSS button codes than what anyone else can do with XHTML/CSS, isn’t that reason enough?!
In this HTML JavaScript tutorial article, Mark shows you some simple JavaScript example codes to learn more about JavaScript function scope. Please go to the full post page for more details.
As a web developer/designer and programmer/coder, when start to build a complex website, obviously we had to be confused by a lot of possible choice for a specifying JavaScript task required. At present, with the strong increase of JavaScript applications, JavaScript frameworks, JavaScript plug-ins and add-ons, we become more and more confused in choosing a best solution, such as dynamic JavaScript navigation menu, tabbing systems, right JavaScript frameworks, JavaScript slideshow gallery, JavaScript lightbox gallery ...
This free HTML JavaScript tutorial shows you how to choose a best JavaScript solution through a 7 steps test:
1. What Happens/What Will You Do If Browser's JavaScript Turned Off?
2. How To Change The Look, Feel And Content?
3. How Usable And Semantic Is The Final Product?
4. Do You Understand What's Going On?
5. Does It Play Well With Others?
6. How Dedicated Is The Maintainer?
7. Is There A Testing Plan, And Is Upgrading And Extending Easy?
This free JavaScript tutorial guides you how to use Google Code service for hosting your JavaScript files to boost the loading speed of template and reduces the bandwidth cost of hosting.
If you're needing a simple digital clock that is updating automatically and takes directly the time from the server, also you want to show the time in other countries to have a reference. Then why you should not take a preview of this digital clock JavaScript, because its simple, super easy to use and modify. This free digital clock JavaScript code has some options: many layouts for choosing, time JavaScript using server, manual-handle clock using JavaScript like a countdown clock JavaScript.
JavaScript Expressions and JavaScript Operators are very familiar with most popular programming languages like C, C++, or Java. In this free JavaScript tutorial we take an overview of the basic building blocks of JavaScript: operators, expressions, through rounds: JavaScript Regular Expressions, JavaScript Operators, JavaScript Assignment Operators, JavaScript Arithmetic Operators, JavaScript Comparison Operators, JavaScript Bitwise Shift Operators, JavaScript Logical Operators, JavaScript Conditional Operator, JavaScript Comma Operator, JavaScript void Operator, JavaScript typeof Operator.