Tigra Hints is a free JavaScript widget that displays pop-up box with notes when the mouse appears over any HTML element on the page (also known as tool tips or hints).
Simply select the options you would like in your dropdown menu, enter the text and URL for each listing, and click the button to generate the source code. Easy! And, we can even mail the generated code to you.
Using a tabbed interface, this DHTML script lets you display inner web pages inline on your page.
Demonstrates a technique for detecting the shift, ctrl and alt keys:
+ The keydown listener sets shiftMode to true when event.keyCode == 16
+ The keyup listener sets shiftMode to false when event.keyCode == 16
+ The keypress listener now knows if the shift key is currently pressed.
Use this JavaScript to search for data in webpages. You need to make database in webpages that have this JavaScript code.
Add this JavaScript in your webpages if you want to track cursor.