DHTML background animation. Uses the opacity filter tag from IE4.x to produce a unique dissolving rotation between several baclground-colors.
Everytime visitors enter the web page, this JavaScript changes background color continually in the short time period.
This JavaScript changes background color after each 5 seconds.
Every times a visitor comes to a page with this JavaScript in effect, they get a different foreground and background color. However, occassionally you do get a background and foreground color that makes your text unreadable.
A simple tool order to convert a color code from HEX code co DEC code and, DEX to HEX code.
This JavaScript makes background color(green) change to bright/dark continually.
The effect makes color background continually change by increasing HEX color code.
Red, green, blue have max value of 255 and min of 0. The hex value contains 6 digits from 0-9 and A-F.
Click on the holes beside any color name or the hex to use the input value to calculate the other values. To calculate hex number, all 3 color values are needed.
However, if color values are calculated from hex number, only the hex number is needed. Click on the "Paint it!" button to see the color sample.
This JavaScript makes background color was changed continually and display color code in status bar when visitors move mouse on the web page.
The effect makes background image autimatically float up/down when clicking the specified link.