This JavaScript creates a ball which can rebounce to everywhere in the web page.
IE 4 and above support cool visual controls called filters, which are built-in multimedia effects you can instantly apply to your page images (among other elements).
DHTML in IE 4 includes a multimedia feature that allows a light to be cast on any image and moved around. We utilized this technology to create a moving light on image script. The light continuously moves from the left-top corner of any image to the rgiht-bottom corner, than back again. You can apply this light to ANY number of images on your page easily, with varying speed for each light.
This is a useful image viewer script that launches the images in a separate mini window. The great thing about such a script is that the images do not have to be of the same dimensions.
Original image have large size then size will reduce to none automatically.
This JavaScript makes image appear by combining many part together.
This JavaScript makes image appear with the zoom-in and fade-in effect at the same time.
And you thought only a Java applet can make an image appear wavy. This JavaScript does the same job, on the LinkExchange Ad banner.