A little bit of magic for your visitors: move your cursor to the center of your webpage and the picture will fade-out. Move the cursor toward the corners of the webpage and the picture will fade-in.
Even more magic for your visitors! Moving your cursor all over the webpage will change the opacity of two overlapping images at the same time. The result: a smooth interactive animation! Unique way to impress your webguests. Explorer 4.x
Our popular flying-picture-script comes now with a stylish fade-in-fade-out effect. Movement, speed, dircetion and fade-effect are both driven by a random-function calculated for each image separately. Each image can be linked to a differerent URL. Crossbrowser (fade-effect for IE4 or higher only).
Random image-split-effect enhancing the impact of your picture presentation. CROSSBROWSER. You need only one picture to achieve the effect. Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x
Cross-browser magnifying glass script combining drag'n'drop methods with image-clip-functions. Very useful if you have to present maps, town plans, large images and blueprints.
Use this JavaScript and your visitors are able to resize your webimages as easy as a browser-window. Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x
New DHTML-technique to highlight specific zones of your images. Uses filter-methods and drag-and-drop-functions. IE5x.
This rollover-script simulates an cool scratching-effect. Just move your mouse over the coverimage and a second image will appear from underneath (Netscape-users will see a simple imageswapping effect instead). Great for online-lotteries, draws, guessing games or just for fun. Easy to configure.