This is a small example intended to show you how to create a 'pop-up window'. The purpose is so you can have more information on your web page without cluttering it up.
This JavaScript creates 2 frame on the web page and content of second frame was included when visitors click links.
This JavaScript creates the frames JavaScript link together.
A DHTML Scroller. Nice for adds, news, or just to spice up your site. Works in Internet Explorer 5.+, Netscape 7.+, Mozilla 1.2+, Mozilla FireFox 0.8.
This JavaScript uses the onLoad & onUnload events to say hello every time you visit page and say good bye every time you exit.
This JavaScript is short, and easy to set launches a window that continually re-opens by itself and cannot be permanently closed 'unless' the visitor clicks on a link that you provide.
This JavaScript creates an intro frame which will disappear after 20 seconds.
This JavaScript will open a new window at center position in all resolutions. Beside, it focuses by itself every second.