A Javascript image gallery and slide-show all in one file. This thing just keeps getting better thanks to everyone's feedback.
The effect uses CSS and JavaScript to descript for link. And spacer of description character are increase up to image wide.
Use this JavaScript to not only preload any number of images before displaying them, but also, get a live update on it's progress through an update bar. Once the preloadiing is complete, the surfer is then directed to the page containing the preloaded images. Superbly useful and cool a creation.
A script that makes any image(s) appear dull before the mouse moves over it; as the mouse moves over it, the image changes to its original appearance. This is a script controlled effect, so no altering is required to the actual image in any way.
The effect uses CSS to draw a border to image when user onmouseover it. Here in example is a dashed border, you can change the different borders.
The effect will make a image is colorful when user move mouse on this image.
The effect will zoom-in a part of image when user move mouse on image.
Use this JavaScript and your visitors are able to view your webimages with any size as easy as a browser-window.