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Color Grayscale Image Converter with JavaScript How to convert image to grayscale? A very easy, use a grayscale Photoshop filter, this solution gives a very good result. But if you want to convert grayscale image on the web-based applications, how should we do? It's still a filter, because Adobe has released an online tool for editing pictures, or some other image editors.

But this is not a topic [email protected] want to discuss. [email protected]'s talking about a color grayscale image converter with JavaScript, a free simple JavaScript example code to convert grayscale on your web pages directly.

Check out this free JavaScript example code to learn how to desaturate an image (convert color images to grayscale) using JavaScript.

Category: Image

Strip HTML tags in Rails, JavaScript and PHP In this HTML JavaScript tutorial, Brijesh Shah guides you create some simple codes in Rails, JavaScript and PHP to strip HTML tags, strip tag PHP. Very simple and useful codes to try, you should check them. You can check our JavaScript Strip HTML Tags script.

Smash a Smiley 1.2 Similar to the free JavaScript game Whack the Gopher, this JavaScript game is simpler by change the picture of gophers into the smiley emoticons. And your goal is hit the right smiley quickly as you can.

This free JavaScript game code is very easy to use and setup on your web pages, please go to the detailed for full JavaScript game source.

Category: Game

65 Free JavaScript Photo Gallery Solutions JavaScript photo gallery, JavaScript image gallery and web photo gallery are indispensable factors in the world of Internet, the world of web from beginning. There are a large numbers of web photo gallery solutions, you can check out some JavaScript photo galleries on [email protected]:

- JavaScript Simple Picture Gallery
- JavaScript Next-Previous Image Gallery
- JaS Gallery

But today in this HTML JavaScript tutorial, I have compiled some impressive JavaScript example code you can use for presenting your pictures on web page effectively. Mostly JavaScript image galleries don't have any technical requirements. All of them don't use Flash, but JavaScript, and they require very little coding. Hope you will enjoy with these web photo galleries, some names I'm impressed: Galleriffic, Slideviewer, Galleria, Spacegallery, Thickbox (jsB@nk using this jQuery plug-in), Fancybox, MooFlow, Lightbox2, Minishowcase, CSS Image Gallery, Highslide JS.

Then check more image slideshow JavaScripts through 16 Free Picture Slideshow Gallery scripts.

Category: Tutorials

Training Lexical Structure and Statements This free HTML JavaScript tutorial provides some basic JavaScript concepts for programming newbies. In this post, you will train some categories of JavaScript statements, JavaScript blocks and Group of JavaScript statements, some tips on declaring a JavaScript Statement.

Writing JavaScript Code Efficiently In this JavaScript training talking video, Gopal Venkatesan discusses some useful JavaScript tips and tricks to work better with this web programming language.

Category: Video

The Dark side of JavaScript Just read the title of this free HTML JavaScript tutorial, obviously you will think about the evil, according to the basic nature of the word "dark side". But this is just a title that the author like to name to it, when he started to go deep into JavaScript, jQuery, and realize that many of JavaScript concepts do not make sense the way he understood it. This is summary of JavaScript's dark side: JavaScript doesn't have a class concept, using JavaScript JSON (JavaScript Object notation) we can construct JavaScript objects in many ways, JavaScript functions are JavaScript objects so they can have JavaScript properties, ... Please go to the detailed post for full instructions and JavaScript example codes

More HTML JavaScript tutorials for trying:
- JavaScript Events: Look inside JavaScript Framework Library
- JavaScript: The Good Parts speech
- Theory of the DOM by Douglas Crockford

45 Great Helpful JavaScript and jQuery Techniques and Tools Yes, this free HTML JavaScript tutorial is another round-up of very great and helpful JavaScript/jQuery techniques, tools and resources. In this selection we present JavaScript/jQuery date calendars, jQuery calendar datepickers, forms, buttons, JavaScript navigation, navigation menu jQuery, debugging, optimization and compatibility tables as well as handy JavaScript/jQuery resources and tools. We also cover various jQuery add-ons and plug-ins that will help you extend the functionality of your website and improve user experience with ready components or coding solutions.

For improving more your skills and user experience, check out more JavaScript/jQuery, web development, web programming/coding resources below:

- More 100 Super Helpful Cheatsheets for Web Designers Web Developers
- Great Powered Resources for 7 Helpful jQuery Plug-ins
- 35 Cool, Awesome Tools and Resources for Faster JavaScript Application Development
- Super Cool and Great Button Resources and Tutorials with CSS3
- 45 Great CSS and JavaScript solutions

Category: Tutorials

Encapsulation in OOP JavaScript Encapsulation is a very useful technique in Object-Oriented programming which allows you to separate an abstraction's implementation from its interface class, thus enabling future changes to the implementation without affecting the interface. In this free HTML JavaScript tutorial, James Padolsey guides you how to create encapsulation in OOP JavaScript, please go to the detailed post for full instructions and JavaScript example codes.

Amazing Bounce Effect using jQuery framework JavaScript bounce effect is the type of script presented on [email protected] through many plained-JavaScript example codes, such as:

- JavaScript Elastic Trail Script
- JavaScript Free bouncing ball
- Gravity

But in this jQuery animate bounce script, I show you another amazing bouncy effect using jQuery framework. We will create a HTML page that has 4 boxes (DIVs). Every box will bounce in a specified direction under clicking. We can control the direction as well as the speed of bouncing boxes with arguments to the method of jQuery.

Category: Framework, jQuery
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