
Inner Popup with Cookie With this JavaScript, you can create a section to show marjor info on your website like popup, but this JavaScript use JavaScript and JavaScript cookie to show popup once. Popup will display in center of window and will scroll, but this popup has a close button for closing it.

You can change your content in div_iPop var.

Category: Browser,

Elastic text Just elastic text effect. Simple and easy to setup and modify.

Category: Text

Smooth Image Buttons With this JavaScript your buttons can have up to four states: none, over, down, and up. This makes the button feel more real than a simple mouseover. In addition, the different button states are all part of the same background image.

Category: Form,

Rating star script Need a system to rate an item on your web page? Let's implement the simple script to do that. This script is very easy to setup and modify, you only copy all JavaScript code into your web page (should save into a file for using on many pages).

Category: Utility

fcp Calendar A tiny, self-contained JavaScript library which displays a Gregorian calendar. An event is triggered when a user clicks on a date. Fully customizable via CSS. (Uses a European layout, i.e., the week begins on Monday.)

Category: Time,

Fade Anything Technique Need to draw attention to something new on your Web page? Only need to show it for a moment or two? This JavaScript will highlight it in a subtle manner (or boldly, if you choose).

Category: Background

Sum of two random numbers Type or make two numbers have the sum equalled or less 18, then clicking buttons for the sum of two that numbers , view the right; wrong choices and the ratio.

Category: Calculation,

Looping alerts on right click Implement this JavaScript to warn visitor if they want to steal something on your web pages with clicking right mouse. When they click right mouse the first time, this JavaScript will show a short alert; if they still click again, this JavaScript will run out the loop of alerts; then they can only exit your web pages by breaking browser.

Category: Funny

Dynamic text on Title Only with 7 code lines, you can make title of your web pages scroll to left from right continually. A short code but useful.

Category: Status,

Dual Function Button This JavaScript allows one button to have two or more functions.

Category: Form

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