Limits the number of checkboxes a user may click by deselecting the others upon selection. Cool!
Copy items from one selection box to a second selection box. Selected item values are stored as a string for further manipulation, such as submitted through a form, an alert box, etc. Useful!
Select the text from any form with the click of a button, just as used on the JavaScript Source. Easy!
Checks form fields to verify that each specified field is not left empty. Displays a warning message if any empty fields are present. Great!
Use JavaScript to ensure that visitors do not leave a form entry blank.
Easily organize a list of values to place them in any order. Allows you to add and delete from the list!
Values selected from the drop-down box appear in the textarea below. As more items are selected they are added to the list.
Make sure your visitor doesn't exceed the maximum number of characters that you want to accept in a form. Short too!