Form Validation, Submission and Redirect

This form was designed in replace of a cgi form to email with redirect. It uses both my own and modifications of other javascripts to achieve the result needed for a client with no cgi access.

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This form was designed in replace of a cgi form to email with redirect. It uses both my own and modifications of other javascripts to achieve the result needed for a client with no cgi access.

To demonstrate:

  • Fill out the form
  • A redirected page will be shown on submission of the form data,

Directions for use of this script are below the example form.


Sample Form

 Yes, add me to your mail list: Yes No

  * First name:
  * Last name:  
  * Phone:  
  * E-mail:  
  * Address:  
  * Postcode:  


Directions for use:

  • Copy all of the code on this page,
  • Change the "action=mailto" to the designated email address that will be receiving the formdata... (located in javascript function)
  • Change the redirect link to a url to be viewed after the form has been submitted. Absolute or relative urls can be used (located in javascript function)

On submission of the form, You will receive an email to the designated email address containing the form data and the redirect will show the page you have nominated.

You may find this javascript useful. Enjoy :-)