
Print - Lunch Decision Maker - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Form » Button » Lunch Decision Maker
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/the-lunch-location-generator.html

Lunch Decision Maker © JavaScriptBank.comDeciding where to go to lunch can take longer than simply going to lunch when more than one person is involved in the decision. This JavaScript takes the pain out of figuring out where to go by randomly presenting a choice. This could save many developers a lot of time debating!

Full version: jsB@nk » Form » Button » Lunch Decision Maker
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/the-lunch-location-generator.html

<P align=center>The random answer is:</P><TABLE cellPadding=10 align=center cellborder="2">  <TBODY>  <TR>    <TD align=middle bgColor=#0000a0><FONT color=darkred       size=5>***************************************<BR>      <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>var Answers=new Array() //create array variable;// Possible answers. Fill in the values with your own choicesAnswers[0] = "McDonalds";Answers[1] = "Burger King";Answers[2] = "Taco Bell";Answers[3] = "White Castles";Answers[4] = "Arbys";Answers[5] = "Ruby Tuesdays";Answers[6] = "Fazolis";Answers[7] = "Wendys";Answers[8] = "Cafeteria";Answers[9] = "Pizza Hut";Answers[10] = "CiCis";Answers[11] = "Don Pablos";Answers[12] = "Dicks Bodacious BBQ";Answers[13] = "Steak n Shake";// Answers[##] = "BBB";  <-- add new entries like ones above// ======================================// Do not change anything below this line// ======================================var nbr = Answers.length;var theAnswer=Math.round(Math.random()*(nbr-1));function showAnswer() {      document.write(Answers[theAnswer]);}showAnswer();</SCRIPT>      <BR>*************************************** </FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><INPUT onclick=history.go(0) type=button value="Bad choice....Try again..."> <!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->