Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Form » Checkbox » Cliquez sur Radio Button pour afficher des informations avec des images
Afin d'afficher détaillée information sur certains objets tels que des membres ou d'un produit, vous pouvez utiliser simple code JavaScript. Cette version est mise à niveau de Cliquez sur Radio bouton pour voir l'information, Ce script d'affichage d'image pour chaque point.
Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Form » Checkbox » Cliquez sur Radio Button pour afficher des informations avec des images
<script type="text/javascript"><!--// Created by Sandeep Gangadharan - printDetails() { txt = "<b>Title:</b> " + this.title + "<br>"; // change the text data here. You can have as many txt += "<b>Location:</b> " + this.location + "<br>"; // lines of data as required. to add more txt += "<b>State:</b> " + this.state + "<br>"; // lines do it as shown on the left txt += "<b>Cost:</b> " + this.cost + "<br>"; // links can be added as shown img =;theDetails = txt;document.changeImg.avatars.src = img;document.getElementById('theData').innerHTML = theDetails; }function place(title, location, state, cost, photo) { this.title = title; this.location = location; this.state = state; this.cost = cost; = photo; this.printDetails = printDetails; }// each user or product details should be added as shown below.Mountains = new place("Mountains", "Black Hills", "Colorado", "$1,250", "pix1-sm.gif");Lake = new place("Lake", "Taragon Lake", "Oregon", "$1,680", "pix2-sm.gif");Barren = new place("Barren", "Dimas Desert", "New Mexico", "1,375", "pix3-sm.gif");//--></script>
<form name="changeImg"><table align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="400"> <tbody><tr> <th class="small" align="left" width="150"> Username: </th> <th class="small" align="left" width="400"> Details: </th> <th class="small" align="left" width="50"> Photo: </th> </tr> <tr> <td class="small" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="150"> <label for="a"><input id="a" name="pointer" onclick="javascript:Mountains.printDetails()" type="radio">Mountains</label><br> <label for="b"><input id="b" name="pointer" onclick="javascript:Lake.printDetails()" type="radio">Lake</label><br> <label for="c"><input id="c" name="pointer" onclick="javascript:Barren.printDetails()" type="radio">Barren</label><br> </td> <td class="small" align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="400"> <span id="theData" style="margin: 0pt; padding: 1px; width: 400px;"><b>Title:</b> Mountains<br><b>Location:</b> Black Hills<br><b>State:</b> Colorado<br><b>Cost:</b> $1,250<br></span> </td> <td align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="50"> <img src="pix1-sm.gif" name="avatars" alt="" height="60" width="50"> </td> </tr></tbody></table></form>