Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Form » Dropdown » Boîte de sélection
Copier des éléments d'une boîte de sélection d'une deuxième zone de sélection. Sélection de point les valeurs sont stockées sous forme de chaîne pour d'autres manipulations, comme les commentaires par le biais d'un formulaire, un message d'alerte, etc utiles!
Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Form » Dropdown » Boîte de sélection
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">// Kathi O'Shea (Kathi.O'[email protected])<!-- Beginfunction moveOver() {var boxLength = document.choiceForm.choiceBox.length;var selectedItem = document.choiceForm.available.selectedIndex;var selectedText = document.choiceForm.available.options[selectedItem].text;var selectedValue = document.choiceForm.available.options[selectedItem].value;var i;var isNew = true;if (boxLength != 0) {for (i = 0; i < boxLength; i++) {thisitem = document.choiceForm.choiceBox.options[i].text;if (thisitem == selectedText) {isNew = false;break; } }} if (isNew) {newoption = new Option(selectedText, selectedValue, false, false);document.choiceForm.choiceBox.options[boxLength] = newoption;}document.choiceForm.available.selectedIndex=-1;}function removeMe() {var boxLength = document.choiceForm.choiceBox.length;arrSelected = new Array();var count = 0;for (i = 0; i < boxLength; i++) {if (document.choiceForm.choiceBox.options[i].selected) {arrSelected[count] = document.choiceForm.choiceBox.options[i].value;}count++;}var x;for (i = 0; i < boxLength; i++) {for (x = 0; x < arrSelected.length; x++) {if (document.choiceForm.choiceBox.options[i].value == arrSelected[x]) {document.choiceForm.choiceBox.options[i] = null; }}boxLength = document.choiceForm.choiceBox.length; }}function saveMe() {var strValues = "";var boxLength = document.choiceForm.choiceBox.length;var count = 0;if (boxLength != 0) {for (i = 0; i < boxLength; i++) {if (count == 0) {strValues = document.choiceForm.choiceBox.options[i].value;}else {strValues = strValues + "," + document.choiceForm.choiceBox.options[i].value;}count++; }}if (strValues.length == 0) {alert("You have not made any selections");}else {alert("Here are the values you've selected:\r\n" + strValues); }}// End --></script><!-- This script downloaded from Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at>
<form name="choiceForm"><table border=0><tr><td valign="top" width=175>Available Content:<br><select name="available" size=10 onchange="moveOver();"><option value=1>Company News<option value=2>Industry News<option value=3>Product Updates<option value=4>Product Specifications<option value=5>Order History<option value=6>Order Status<option value=7>Contacts<option value=8>Calendar of Events<option value=9>Scheduler<option value=10>Notes</select></td><td valign="top">Your Choices:<br><select multiple name="choiceBox" style="width:150;" size="10"></select></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 height=10><input type="button" value="Remove" onclick="removeMe();"><input type="button" value="Get Selected Values" onclick="saveMe();"></td></tr></table></form><!-- This script downloaded from Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at>