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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Biểu mẫu » Chuyển ảnh » Nút nhấn bằng ảnh
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/smooth-image-buttons-index.html

Nút nhấn bằng ảnh © JavaScriptBank.comVới đoạn mã JavaScript này, bạn có thể làm cho một thẻ nào đó (DIV chẳng hạn) trong giống như một nút nhấn trên trang web, các nút nhấn này cũng có bốn trạng thái như một nút nhấn bình thường. Các hình ảnh được thiết kế khá đẹp và mượt, hi vọng đoạn mã JavaScript này sẽ hữu ích với bạn.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Biểu mẫu » Chuyển ảnh » Nút nhấn bằng ảnh
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/smooth-image-buttons-index.html

<script language="JavaScript" name="PopIn.js" type="text/javascript">var div_iPop = '<div id="iCoder" pos="tc" style="display:none;">';div_iPop += '<table width="517" height="422" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="border:1px solid #D349AD;">';div_iPop += '<tr style="background-color:#D349AD">';div_iPop += '<td height="10" >';div_iPop += '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-color:#D349AD;color:white;font:normal 10pt Verdana;">';div_iPop += '<tr><th style="font-size: 16px;">Inner Popup with Cookie</th><th style="padding-left:1ex;padding-right:1ex;">';div_iPop += '<a href="javascript:iPop_close()" style="color:white;font:normal 10pt Verdana;text-decoration:none;">&#215;</a></th></tr>';div_iPop += '</table>';div_iPop += '</td>';div_iPop += '</tr>';div_iPop += '<tr>';div_iPop += '<td height="100%" style="background-color:#FFFFCC;color:black;">';div_iPop += 'With this script, you can create a section to show marjor info on your website like popup, but this script use JavaScript and cookie to show popup once. Popup will display in center of window and will scroll, but this popup has a close button for closing it.<br /><br />';div_iPop += 'You can change your content in <b><code>div_iPop</code></b> var';div_iPop += '</td>';div_iPop += '</tr>';div_iPop += '</table>';div_iPop += '</div>';document.write(div_iPop);///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pop-In Builder (c)2004.  iCoder.com  All Rights Reserved. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////function iPop_close(pop_name) {  if(!pop_name) pop_name = "iCoder";  DHTMLAPI_hide(pop_name);}function iPop_close() { DHTMLAPI_hide("iCoder"); }function iPop_init0() {  if (!iPop_CookieCheck()) return;  DHTMLAPI_init();  iCoder_Obj = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject("iCoder");  iCoder_move();  window.onscroll=iCoder_move;  window.onresize=iCoder_move;}function iPop_init1() {//  if (!iPop_CookieCheck()) return;  DHTMLAPI_init();  iCoder_delta = 16;  iCoder_Obj = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject("iCoder");  var theObj = iCoder_Obj; if (theObj && isCSS) theObj = theObj.style;  if (theObj && theObj.visibility == "hidden") return;  if (theObj && theObj.display == "none") { theObj.display = "block"; theObj.position = "absolute"; }  DHTMLAPI_shiftTo(iCoder_Obj, 0, 5000);  var center = DHTMLAPI_positionWindow(iCoder_Obj, true);  iCoder_x = center[0];  iCoder_y = center[1];  var w_scroll = DHTMLAPI_getScrollWindow();  var start_y = parseInt((w_scroll[1]-iCoder_y-DHTMLAPI_getObjectHeight(iCoder_Obj)-100)/100)*100 + iCoder_y;  DHTMLAPI_shiftTo(iCoder_Obj, iCoder_x, start_y);  iCoder_dropstart=setInterval("iCoder_drop()",50);}function iCoder_move() {  if (window.iCoder_timeout) clearTimeout(window.iCoder_timeout);  if (!iCoder_Obj) return;  var theObj = iCoder_Obj; if (theObj && isCSS) theObj = theObj.style;  if (theObj && theObj.visibility == "hidden") return;  if (theObj && theObj.display == "none") { theObj.display = "block"; theObj.position = "absolute"; }  DHTMLAPI_positionWindow(iCoder_Obj);  window.iCoder_timeout = setTimeout("iCoder_move()", 100);}function DHTMLAPI_positionWindow(elemID, positionOnly) {  var obj = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(elemID);  var position = obj.getAttribute("pos");  var scrollX = 0, scrollY = 0;  if (document.body && typeof(document.body.scrollTop) != "undefined") {    scrollX += document.body.scrollLeft;    scrollY += document.body.scrollTop;    if (0 == document.body.scrollTop    && document.documentElement    && typeof(document.documentElement.scrollTop) != "undefined") {      scrollX += document.documentElement.scrollLeft;      scrollY += document.documentElement.scrollTop;    }  } else if (typeof(window.pageXOffset) != "undefined") {    scrollX += window.pageXOffset;    scrollY += window.pageYOffset;  }  var x = Math.round((DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowWidth( )/2) - (DHTMLAPI_getObjectWidth(obj)/2)) + scrollX;  var y = Math.round((DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowHeight( )/2) - (DHTMLAPI_getObjectHeight(obj)/2)) + scrollY;  var shift_position = parseInt(0);  if (isNaN(shift_position)) shift_position = 0;  switch (position) {    case "tc": y = scrollY+shift_position; break;    case "tl": y = scrollY+shift_position; x = scrollX+shift_position; break;    case "tr": y = scrollY+shift_position; x = Math.round(DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowWidth( ) - DHTMLAPI_getObjectWidth(obj)) + scrollX-shift_position; break;    case "ml": x = scrollX+shift_position; break;    case "mr": x = Math.round(DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowWidth( ) - DHTMLAPI_getObjectWidth(obj)) + scrollX-shift_position; break;    case "bc": y = Math.round(DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowHeight( ) - DHTMLAPI_getObjectHeight(obj)) + scrollY-shift_position; break;    case "bl": y = Math.round(DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowHeight( ) - DHTMLAPI_getObjectHeight(obj)) + scrollY-shift_position; x = scrollX+shift_position; break;    case "br": y = Math.round(DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowHeight( ) - DHTMLAPI_getObjectHeight(obj)) + scrollY-shift_position; x = Math.round(DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowWidth( ) - DHTMLAPI_getObjectWidth(obj)) + scrollX-shift_position; break;  }  if (!positionOnly) DHTMLAPI_shiftTo(obj, x, y);  return [x, y];}function iCoder_drop() {  var y = DHTMLAPI_getObjectTop(iCoder_Obj);  if ( iCoder_y > y ) DHTMLAPI_shiftTo(iCoder_Obj, iCoder_x, 50+y);  else {    clearInterval(iCoder_dropstart);    iCoder_vibrostart = setInterval("iCoder_vibro()",40);  }}function iCoder_vibro() {  var y = DHTMLAPI_getObjectTop(iCoder_Obj);  DHTMLAPI_shiftTo(iCoder_Obj, iCoder_x, y-iCoder_delta);  if (iCoder_delta<0) iCoder_delta += 4;  iCoder_delta *= -1;  if (iCoder_delta==0) {    clearInterval(iCoder_vibrostart);    iCoder_move();    window.onscroll=iCoder_move;    window.onresize=iCoder_move;  }}function DHTMLAPI_hide(obj) {  var theObj = DHTMLAPI_getObject(obj);  if (theObj) theObj.visibility = "hidden";}function DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj) {  var theObj;  if (typeof obj == "string") {    if (isW3C) theObj = document.getElementById(obj);    else if (isIE4) theObj = document.all(obj);    else if (isNN4) theObj = DHTMLAPI_seekLayer(document, obj);  } else theObj = obj;  return theObj;}function DHTMLAPI_shiftTo(obj, x, y) {  var theObj = DHTMLAPI_getObject(obj);  if (theObj) {    if (isCSS) {      var units = (typeof theObj.left == "string") ? "px" : 0;      theObj.left = x + units;      theObj.top = y + 100 + units;    } else if (isNN4) theObj.moveTo(x,y);  }}function DHTMLAPI_getScrollWindow() {  var scrollX = 0, scrollY = 0;  if (document.body && typeof(document.body.scrollTop) != "undefined") {    scrollX += document.body.scrollLeft;    scrollY += document.body.scrollTop;  } else if (typeof(window.pageXOffset) != "undefined") {    scrollX += window.pageXOffset;    scrollY += window.pageYOffset;  }  return [scrollX, scrollY];}function DHTMLAPI_getObjectHeight(obj)  {  var elem = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj);  var result = 0;  if (elem.offsetHeight) result = elem.offsetHeight;  else if (elem.clip && elem.clip.height) result = elem.clip.height;  else if (elem.style && elem.style.pixelHeight) result = elem.style.pixelHeight;  return parseInt(result);}function DHTMLAPI_getObjectTop(obj)  {  var elem = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj);  var result = 0;  if (document.defaultView) {    var style = document.defaultView;    var cssDecl = style.getComputedStyle(elem, "");    result = cssDecl.getPropertyValue("top");  }  else if (elem.currentStyle) result = elem.currentStyle.top;  else if (elem.style) result = elem.style.top;  else if (isNN4) result = elem.top;  return parseInt(result);}function DHTMLAPI_getObject(obj) {  var theObj = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj);  if (theObj && isCSS) theObj = theObj.style;  return theObj;}function DHTMLAPI_seekLayer(doc, name) {  var theObj;  for (var i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++) {    if (doc.layers[i].name == name) {      theObj = doc.layers[i];      break;    }    if (doc.layers[i].document.layers.length > 0) theObj = DHTMLAPI_seekLayer(document.layers[i].document, name);  }  return theObj;}function DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowWidth( ) {  if (window.innerWidth) return window.innerWidth;  else if (isIE6CSS) return document.body.parentElement.clientWidth;  else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) return document.body.clientWidth;  return 0;}function DHTMLAPI_getInsideWindowHeight( ) {  if (window.innerHeight) return window.innerHeight;  else if (isIE6CSS) return document.body.parentElement.clientHeight;  else if (document.body && document.body.clientHeight) return document.body.clientHeight;  return 0;}function DHTMLAPI_getObjectWidth(obj)  {  var elem = DHTMLAPI_getRawObject(obj);  var result = 0;  if (elem.offsetWidth) result = elem.offsetWidth;  else if (elem.clip && elem.clip.width) result = elem.clip.width;  else if (elem.style && elem.style.pixelWidth) result = elem.style.pixelWidth;  return parseInt(result);}function DHTMLAPI_init( ) {  if (document.images) {    isCSS = (document.body && document.body.style) ? true : false;    isW3C = (isCSS && document.getElementById) ? true : false;    isIE4 = (isCSS && document.all) ? true : false;    isNN4 = (document.layers) ? true : false;    isIE6CSS = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS1") >= 0) ? true : false;  }}setTimeout("iPop_init1()", 100);function iPop_CookieCheck() {if (document.cookie.indexOf("iCoder=") != -1) return false;var d = new Date();var t = parseInt(1); if (isNaN(t)) t = 1;d.setDate(d.getDate() + t);document.cookie = "iCoder="+d.toGMTString()+"; expires="+d.toGMTString()+";";return true;}</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->