Drop Down Navigation Panel on Top

Drop Down Navigation Panel helps you save the web space by creating a nice pull down panel on the top of your page that contains external content fetched via AJAX. Your visitors click on the protruding button to drop the panel down and reveal its content. Closing it by clicking anywhere on the panel again. You can easily customize the height of the Panel, button label and the speed of drop down in milliseconds. A very cool plug and play AJAX drop down panel!

Sampled by JavaScriptBank.com


From © JavaScript Kit

Then, open up jkpanel.js, and edit the very last line of the script:

jkpanel.init(''panelcontent.htm', '200px', 500)

 The first parameter should be the path to the external content to load (on your server), the second the height of the content DIV in pixels, and lastly, the animation in milliseconds. You may optionally edit two variables at the top of jkpanel.js, plus the CSS at the top of the entire code.

FYI the external content used in the demo is panelcontent.htm. If you specify an invalid or non existent file inside the script, nothing will appear (including the protruding button).

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